December 2010 - Moving in across the Hall

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Chapter 2

December 2010 - Moving in Across the Hall

Argh! Carrying all those boxes up stairs was a lot of work with no help from Sophie. Figures! When I enter our new apartment, where do I find her? Sitting on the kitchen bench on her phone, most likely texting Drew.

Ever since he went on his annual family vacation... four weeks ago, she has been nonstop talking about him and texting him. It was seriously getting on my nerves. I was so close to smashing her phone.

Placing one of her boxes on the floor next to the other ones. She makes this girly giggle noise whenever something Drew related happens. I roll my eyes and walk over to her, “What is so important that you couldn’t help me with all these?”

She looks at the boxes pilling up on the floor and then back at her phone, “Oh my god, look at this photo that Drew just sent me!”

Sophie pushed her phone in my face to show me a picture of Drew holding a monkey, “Awh, just adorable”

“I know! Isn’t he just the cutest?”

“And so fury. I wonder how old he is.”

“Yeah and….no. I wasn’t talking about the monkey, Amelia”

I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself about the time it took her to catch on to my sarcasm. We’ve known each other for over ten years and she still hasn’t gotten use to my humour.

“Oh yes. Ha-ha. Very funny. While you sit there and make jokes, I’m going to go cry because Drew, you know the human in the picture, isn’t coming home for another week! That’s another 7 days until I get to see him again”

I watched as Sophie hugged her phone. I then remembered, “Um, Soph…you do know that he isn’t coming up here for another week after he returns from his holiday?”

She looked at me, shock and dread filled her eyes, “You’re telling me that I have to wait EVEN LONGER to see him again?”

She jumped off the bench and ran to her new bedroom, which was most likely still packed in those boxes she hasn’t yet opened because she had completely ignored all the ‘work’ part of moving.

“So, I’ll take that you aren’t going to help me with the last few things….?”

I took her silence as a no. Sophie and I had been best friends for 11 years now. She had changed a lot in that time. I mean, she had the same blonde hair, the same small body structure, the same blue eyes, the same girly laugh but she had changed as a person. When we first became friends, people at school couldn’t believe that she would be my friend. My brown waves couldn’t compare to her sassy blonde. My hazel eyes were dull compared to her orbs full of life. To everyone, I was this pale, darker, rounder version of Sophie. We were and still are opposites. When we went to high school, people started to treat us as equals. It wasn’t until she met Drew and they started dating that she started to see me as an equal too.

Drew, where do I begin? He had fluffy, short light hair. The nice chocolate brown shade. His eyes were a dark shade of blue, a deep ocean colour. He had a soft smile and he made Sophie happy. She was happy just being herself and she stopped comparing herself to others. She started to care less about what people thought of her. That’s why I can put up with (most of the time) their couples thing that they do, because if it wasn’t for him, Sophie would be the same heartless bitch she was all those years ago.

I started to walk down the stairs and I stopped to stare at the three remaining boxes that were waiting to be carried up the stairs.

I sigh, still standing there, just thinking of how I could carry all of them so that I didn’t have to make more than one trip down here. My mind drew a blank.

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