November 2012 - Camping Trip

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November 2012 - Camping Trip

Finally, the long weekend. Sophie and I had spent the last three weeks planning this camping trip. It was going to be good to spend some time with the ‘gang’. Everyone had been so busy lately. We hadn’t been able to have anytime to just hang out and generally enjoy ourselves.

As I packed the last few things into my suit case, Chris walked out of the bathroom drying his wet hair with a towel, “Hey! Are you all packed yet?”

With placing the last thing, closing and zipping up my suit case I reinsured Chris, “Of course! What about you? I know that last night you weren’t even half way done!”

Chris walked over throwing the towel over the nearest chair and wrapped his arms around my waist, “Amelia, don’t worry sweetie. I’m all set. I have all I’m going to need with me”

He placed a soft kiss on my nose and made his way with our bags to the living room. Sophie and Jake were making lunches for everyone, I did remind them last night to pack enough food for the whole weekend, they most likely got to ‘busy’ to remember that conversation. Last minute packing, ten minutes before we were hitting the road, that’s how Sophie packs anything.

“GUYS! Now isn’t the time to be sucking face in my kitchen. You two better be completely packed”

Sophie walked over and hit me in the back of the head, “Excuse me, when do you ever cook anything in your kitchen and for your information, I am packed…completely!”

“Well, sorry Miss Packed Completely!”

I sure did miss this, Sophie being here. As happy as I was living with Chris, it just wasn’t the same as sharing an apartment with Sophie. Sophie and I had made so many memories with Ryan and the other guys and her moving away meant less time to create such moments.

It’s because I miss spending moments like that with them that I planned this weekend. It was a chance for all of us to be able to have fun in each other’s company. I wasn’t looking forward to the car trip all that much. Three cars, eight people and their luggage. I’m just glad that I don’t have to drive!

We were going to be using Ryan’s car for the luggage and tents. Drew had agreed to drive it up there because Ryan didn’t want to drive. Jake’s car held Tom, William and the left over luggage which meant Chris’ car would have Sophie, Jake, Ryan, Chris and myself. I somehow, got the lovely choice to sit in the backseat. Well, it was less of a choice as it was more of a demand, I had no actual choice in the matter. Sophie got front seat, lucky bitch. Chris was driving as he refused to let anyone else drive his car. I got stuck in the backseat for a six hour drive in between Ryan and Jake. It’s going to be a very long car ride.

As Tom beeped at us to hurry, I rushed over to the window, “Hey! We are almost done. Just calm down!”

“When have I ever listened to you, Amelia?”

Tom was always finding ways to annoy me. He and Ryan just loved to push my buttons and see me lose my cool. I never understood the amusement in things like that, but those two thought it was the funniest thing. I shook my head and hurried out the door with the others. Placing all the bags in the right cars and getting into our right seats we were headed to the camping site. I had never been camping before, this was a first for me. Sophie had showed me all she knew and the basics to camping. She did her best but she was as hopeless as I. We decided on winging it in the end. If worst came to worse, I would take over one of the others tents. Always have a back-up plan, just in case.


It was now an hour into the drive and Sophie had fallen asleep. Chris was focused on the road, the radio up full. Jake was busy on his phone, his headphones in and Ryan was busy trying to annoy me.

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