February 2011 - Hidden beneath the surface

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Chapter 5

Feburary 2011 - Hidden Beneath the Surface

It would be fun he said. You’ll have a good time he said. Well, he was wrong. It was definitely not what I would call fun nor did I have a good time. I don’t know why I listen to him sometimes, seriously.

“I bet you are grateful you took my phone call now, Amelia?”

Nope, not in the slightest… “Sure. Yeah, totally”

“Ha, why so grumpy for?”

You tried to kill me….? “Oh, I’m not grumpy? Why would you say that?” I tried using my most sarcastic voice; I got ridiculously more sarcastically bitchy when unhappy or tired and right now, I was both.

“Amelia, why do you mock me?”

“I do not know what you are talking about….”

“Oh fine. If you didn’t want to join me here then why did you even answer the phone?”

That was a good question, with an even more interesting answer. You see, I got a call from Ryan this morning (early, early morning) saying that he suddenly had the urge to go to the beach before the sun came up. Normally, if I were put in this situation, I would just a) not pick up the phone at 4 in the morning or b) say no but it was Ryan. I have recently discovered these emotions, not ones that I feel comfortable with owning but nonetheless, they were there. So, it was difficult because I couldn’t say, ‘I answered my phone and agreed to go to the beach with you this early and then I let you convince me to go for a swim in the freezing cold because I am actually secretly in love with you’. For some reason I don’t see that conversation going in a direction that would be in my comfort zone, or anywhere remotely near it.

“I believe that my lack of sleep has rendered me temporarily insane”

“Ha, Amelia my dear, you were already on the verge of insanity, I merely just nudged you over the edge” He winked at me, as if winking at me would make up for his smartass comment.  

At this point in time, I was dripping wet, shoes and all, in my pyjamas and it wasn’t even 6 o’clock yet. Not only did Ryan try to kill me by making me swim in the icy waters but he never even bought me caffeine to satisfy me. I was greatly disappointed in him. Unfortunately, a part of possessing these stupid feelings was that I physically couldn’t stay mad at him, it was an impossible situation, one that I wish I didn’t have to be in.

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