September 2011 - Operation, Save Sophie

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Chapter 9

September 2011 Operation, Save Sophie

Things with Ryan were still awkward. He stopped trying to avoid me. We would randomly run into each other in the hall, exchange greetings and then be on our way. Nothing else, just a few ‘heys’ and ‘hellos’. The only positive thing about this whole situation is that the more time we are apart, the higher chance I have of getting over him sooner.

Today, I was meeting Sophie for coffee. It was a good thing to get my mind off thinking of a certain curly haired boy. I was about to walk out the door to meet Sophie when she basically blew through the door, making a weird whaling noise. Do I dare ask? I should be a caring friend and see what was happening, “Soph? Are you alright?”

She looked up tears filled her eyes. That’s when I realised that it was whaling cries.

“Oh.My.God. what happened?”

There she goes again, whaling. I do not speak whale.

“Darling, I cannot understand you when you quote the movie like that”

She shot me death glare. Wow, if looks could kill.

“Okay, so not the time for jokes”

She took a few short breaths before she tried speaking, “Drew…..just…..broke….up….up…with….me” She tumbled to the floor and sobbed. Damn, she had teared all over my clean carpet.

“Oh no. Why?”


“Sophie. Winning the award for the most dramatic, for the third year in a row! And the crowd goes wild!”

She looked up from the ground to death stare me again, she clearly wasn’t in the mood for my good humour. I didn’t know what to do. Without my jokes, I was at a loss for words. How do I comfort her in such a situation? Desperate times calls for desperate measures. I think this qualifies.

I ran over to Ryan’s, I sighed and knock four times. I was secretly hoping he wasn’t home so I didn’t have to face him but at the same time, I needed his help. There he was, standing before me, “Amelia. Hey”

“HI. I was wondering if you were busy….”

“Not really, why?”

“It’s Sophie. I need your help. I can’t do it on my own”

“Okay. Where is she?”

I took him over to my apartment and revealed the rolled up Sophie who was crawled into a tight ball on the floor, still making a weird whaling noise.

Ryan and I spent the next couple of hours trying to calm her down and to stop her crying. It took a lot of effort but we did it.

“Mel, do you have her strawberry milk yet?”

“I’m coming with it now”

Running in with her drink and cookies, Sophie was all ready to watch Disney and comedy movies all afternoon. It was always Sophie’s cure for a ‘sad day’ as she would call it. Whenever she was feeling sad or something bad happened, she would have a set of comedy and Disney movies ready to watch and she would sit, eat cookies, drink strawberry milk and watch them all until she laughed so hard she would snort the milk and it would spill out of her nose.

I closed her bedroom door so that she wasn’t disturbed while she was getting her ‘funny movie time on’. I walked Ryan to his apartment, I thought that it was the least I could do since he saved Sophie and me.

“Thank you again for helping out. It means a lot and Sophie is also grateful”

“No problem. It was really nice hanging out again, even if it was under crappy circumstances”

“Ha, yeah. It was. I owe you one”

“I’ll remember that, Melly-Jelly”

That’s it. That’s what I’ve missed the most, that smile. He could smile and it would make everything feel okay. It was heart-warming and contagious and I found myself smiling back at him. I realised that he called me Melly-Jelly. He was the only one who ever called me that. He said that it’s because I’m all jelly like whenever I watch a movie, I tend to get emotional and it generally ends in tears.

“Well, I’ll see you later then. Bye Ryan”

He left me with a small wave. I think that we were talking again. Not just when passing each other in the hallway but genuine talking again.

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