December 2012/January 2013 - It's a New Year

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Chapter 21

December 2012/January 2013 - It's a New Year


I walked into the house and was ambushed by people. Sophie had texted me to come home early from shopping with my mum but she wouldn’t tell me why. I understand now that it was because she had planned for everyone to come over and surprise me. Chris was the first to come over and give me a hug. He buried his head in the crook of my neck, hugging me tighter, “Surprise beautiful”

“What are you doing here?”

Chris let go of me and Ryan came over, wrapping me in a hug. He was a good head taller then I and he comfortably rested his head on top of mine, “We all knew that you and Soph missed your family and we all missed the both of you so we thought it could be good if we came here”

Ryan pulled back, letting go of me when my mum put her hand on my shoulder, “They even asked me if it was okay”

“Yes, Lilian was nice enough to let us stay here until after New Year’s”

Ryan was on first name basis with my mum. When did that happen?

“That was nice of her”

Tom then added, “Sophie got us all over here and I volunteered to plan and organise the New Year’s party”

I turned to my mum who answered, “I gave them permission to have the house as long as they didn’t drink my booze”

Chris laughed and I looked from Chris back to my mum, “You’re planning on drinking with them, aren’t you?”

She nodded and went into the kitchen.

I looked over at Tom, “What exactly are you planning on doing?”

Tom never said a word, he just let a devilish smirk creep across his face.


My house was crowded with people. People I knew mixed with the random ones that I didn’t. Tom really went all out which almost surprised me since he had never been here before and knew no one. Still, he managed to host a great party. I got to see my old friends from high school. Even those who I disliked showed up. Usually I would be against them coming but I had new friends who I loved and they made me realise that I’m better than those I hate. I have no need to be jealous of them anymore, not when I have someone like Chris. Not when I have friends like Tom, Ryan, Jake, William, Drew and Sophie. I had all I needed and the people I ran from in high school meant nothing to me anymore.

The night started to pick up when the countdown came around. I stood there alone, watching the people around me. It was amusing watching my old friends try and kiss my new ones. With 1 second to go, I was spun around and dipped by Chris. He kissed me at midnight, “Happy New Year’s, love”

“Happy New Year’s!”

The rest of the night went well, not major dramas. I was glad that everyone came down for this. New Year’s wasn’t any fun without them. Tom definitely knew how to throw a party. It was unusual though, just before the countdown started, Tom and Will disappeared. No one saw them until the next morning. I pushed the thought aside, I just assumed that they went to get more booze and got lost.

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