September 2012 - Moving Away

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Chapter 17

September 2012 - Moving Away

“I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry” Sophie exclaimed as she grabbed hold of me and cried on my shoulder for the fifth time.

“I know darling. It’s okay, don’t cry dear” I didn’t know how to help so I ended up just patting her head and letting her cry all over me. I was such a delightful friend.

Last week, Jake had found a little apartment down the street from here and asked Soph to move in with him. Without thinking, she agreed. Today, she realised that moving in with him meant that she would be moving away from me. The idea of not waking up and cooking me breakfast clearly killed her.

I was sad too. Not only will she be moving away but now I won’t have someone to wash my clothes, iron them and cook me food. I had no idea how I would survive without her, she was most likely the only reason that I had made it this far.

She finally let go of me. I looked around the living room and saw all the boxes and the graffiti scribbled on them. When Soph and I were packing up our rooms from back home, we decided to draw things on them and we’ve obviously kept the same boxes because there it was, the man with an oversized top hat and a very smart looking bow tie. Sophie drew dogs and weird faces with funky eye brows and I drew Mr Fancy Pants. We had named him that but he never had pants, I just never drew them.

Unlike Sophie, I actually helped her move. Her new apartment was nice. The walls were a light shade of violet which made Sophie really happy because her favourite colour was purple. I knew she could be happy here with Jake and as sad as it was to see her go, it was what she wanted. At least I didn’t have to live alone, I still had Chris. And besides, it’s not like we won’t ever see each other. The amount of parties and/or get togethers we have, it’s unbelievable. Actually, come to think of it, we hadn’t had a party recently. Soph and I would have to fix that.

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