November 2011 - Mr. Angry at the World

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Chapter 10

November 2011 - Mr.Angry at the World

Ryan was acting so strange. He seemed angry at something or someone, but he hadn’t brought anything up. I wanted to go and ask him but every time I get near him, he walks in the complete opposite direction. Was he avoiding me, again? That’s it. I’ve had it with his grumpy moods. I was going to find him and force him to tell me what his problem was and I wasn’t going to let him walk away from me.

As I pushed past the many people that filled Drew’s house, I spotted Ryan going up stairs. I followed him until I reached him in front of Drew’s bedroom. He turned and saw me, I knew he had seen me, he looked right at me. He still tried to make a run for it.

“HEY! Just wait a minute”

Running into the room he had tried to escape to, I was getting rather annoyed at this point. He was clearly trying to avoid me, “Oh, hey Amelia”

What was the matter with him? “What’s up? Seemed like you were in a rush”

I could see the panic in his eyes.

“Oh nah, I just wanted some quiet” He pointed and entered further into the room.

“Well in that case, I might join you. It’s all getting a bit crowed and loud down there”

Yes, I was using it as an excuse to talk to him but Drew’s huge party was a bit overboard and there were one too many people here for my liking. Drew loved huge parties where he invited literally everyone he knew and they all got drunk. They always came to these stupid gatherings since he supplied free booze. Oh the benefits of being a rich brat. I stepped in the door way, leaning against its frame. His faced screamed, oh-no. As much as I could tell he didn’t want me here, I wasn’t about to leave anytime soon. I was determined to find out what he was so worked up about.

“Yeah, sure. Go ahead”

“So, Ryan. What’s up?”

“Oh you know, nothing much” He was completely avoiding eye contact with me.

“Mm, right” My lack of interest seemed to bring his attention back, his head spun around to face me, “What?”

Clearly unpleased with my answer, “I didn’t do anything”

He let out a sigh as he violently stood from his pervious seat on the bed.

I had officially had it with him and his temper, “Gosh, what’s your problem?”

“Nothing!” He barked back at me.

“Yeah, it totally sounds that way”

He didn’t like my sarcasm, “Just drop it, okay! I said that I was fine”

His words were quick and sharp, his tone harsh. Although he hadn’t said anything insulting, I still felt as though he had just pointed out every flaw of mine.

“I’m not going to drop it. If you like it or not, I’m not leaving until you tell me what the matter is. Everyone is getting feed up with your mood swings”

He glared at me for a few seconds before replying, “Fine! If you won’t go than I will”

Well, my plan backfired. I didn’t want to just drop it; I don’t think I can just pretend that he isn’t angry at something. I made the choice to go after him. I don’t know why, I knew that I was annoying him but I couldn’t let there be an issue and not try to fix it. Last time I waited for him to come to me but this time, I was going to try to fix it myself.

I followed him out to the driveway; I had almost caught up with him. He was on the phone. I slowed down a little bit, waiting for the call to be over before I charged up to him and demanded he tell me what was wrong.

“Ryan!” He turned around and dread covered every inch of his face. He looked horrified to see me coming closer.

“Look, I know that I am clearly the last person you wish to speak to but I care about you and I want to try and help. What’s wrong? Why are you so angry all the time? You’ve lost it at me every time we are in the same general area these past weeks”

“It’s nothing Amelia. Just go back to the party” He turned on his heels and began walking away from me again. This was so frustrating, “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong”

He spun around, looked me straight in the eyes, “Amelia, I don’t want your help. I don’t need you. What part of that don’t you get?”

I wanted to reply. I wanted to have some kind of comeback but I just didn’t. A car had pulled up, it was Sophie’s. Of course he called her. Ever since her and Drew broke up, Ryan had been spending a lot of time with her. She would have been the only one of our friends not at Drew’s party, it makes sense that he called her. It didn’t make me feel any better, but it made sense.

Watching him drive away with Sophie sucked. My two best friends driving away, most likely to get away from me. I honestly don’t know what I did to hurt him so much. I just wish that he would talk to me, at least explain something to me, explain anything to me.

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