September 2013 - Seeing the Family

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Chapter 31

September 2013 - Seeing the Family

A few weeks ago, I made the choice to go see my family. I wanted to see them all again so I planned it all out. I shall be spending the next week back there. And Ryan will be joining me. The last time he was there, he seemed to get along with everyone and I knew that my mum didn’t mind him. Delilah was a bit on the fence about him but she disliked most people so I wasn’t concerned.

I walked up to my childhood home. My mum came running out the dark green door and hauled me into a hug, making me drop all of my bags. She looked at me and let me go before asking, “How is my darling girl doing?”

“I’m good mum. You remember Ryan?”

My mum looked over at Ryan and I thought she was going to be judgmental but she simply hugged him and welcomed him back. When my mother had finished, I showed Ryan where he could put the bags and while he was gone, I bomb-barded with questions from my siblings. Things like, ‘Is he your boyfriend?’ and ‘How long have you two been dating?’ or my favourite, ‘When am I going to be an aunty?’ My sister is lovely. When Ryan entered the room, all eyes were on him. To be honest, he looked frightened. I didn’t blame him, if I were in his situation, I would be just as nervous, if not more so. He was great, despite his startled state. He answered all of my mum’s and sister’s questions. He even played the video games that my brother had set up. Everyone had definitely warmed up to him. My mum even told me that she was glad that I had him. You know what? I was glad that I had him too.

The rest of the week was great. Spending time with Ryan and my family went a lot better than I thought it would. Soon enough, it was our last night here. My mum had finally let Ryan and I sleep in the same bed. He just found it funny. He told me that I was lucky to have such a loving, protective mother. I told him that he wasn’t there when I was growing up with that protective mother. Tomorrow morning, we would have to pack up, say goodbye and head home. Being here was always so relaxing and I always felt so carefree.

I got ready for bed, turning off the nightlight that still burned bright in the old room. I curled myself up in my blanket, hanging close to Ryan’s side. I was about to drift off when something random popped into my head. I had no idea why that particular thought decided to take over my mind but it did. I wasn’t going to be able to sleep if I didn’t ask now, “Ryan….”

He rolled over so he was facing me, “Yes my love?”

“Just a random question, like really random” He nodded, waiting for me to continue, “Do you remember when you were dating that girl, Tessa and you told me that one day you would tell me what you had said to her?”

Ryan lightly laughed, “Yeah, I guess I remember”

“Could you like tell me now, what happened?”

“Why? I mean, I will but what made you think of it?”

I scrunched my face up, trying to think of a reason, “You know, I actually have no idea but it just popped in my head and now if I don’t fix it, I won’t be able to sleep”

“It’s alright. I guess you can be trusted. She was telling me something bad about you. I was just listening but then she made fun of the way you laughed and she pointed out the flaws you had on the outside. This had made me mad….”

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