September 2013 Continued

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Chapter 33

September 2013 Continued

“And so Tessa walked out and never spoke to me again”

“Wow, you did that for me?”

“Oh please. Of course I did. She was a total bitch who really needed a good kick in the face. Since I’m not into hitting girls, yelling at her would have to do. Besides, she was being rude towards you, behind your back. I wasn’t just going to sit there and let her”

I let a smile creep across my face, “Thank you”

“Can we sleep now, I told that whole story”

“Yes, sorry for keeping you from your sleep”

“It’s okay. I still love you” Ryan placed a kiss on my cheek and rolled over to go to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. Ryan had disappeared. I sat up, looked around the room and still there was no sign of Ryan. I forced myself off of my bed and wondered into the living room. The sound of laughter led me to the kitchen where I found Ryan cooking pancakes with my little brother, Cody while my mum supervised. I eventually was seen, “Hello darling. How did you sleep?”

Ryan made his way to me to give me a kiss good morning, “Yeah. I slept fine”

Ryan smiled at me and went back to showing Cody how to successfully flip a pancake. It was sweet to watch how good Ryan was with him. Not many people could put up with my siblings for a long period of time and as well as Ryan had been handling them.

After everyone was done eating, Ryan thought he would be even more perfect and wash all the dishes. My mum informed me that I should bring him around more often just because she hated doing the dishes. As soon as he was done, we had to start gathering all of our things so we didn’t miss our flight. We waved our goodbyes and were headed for home. On the plane, Ryan disturbed my book just to tell me, “I think they like me”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “I dunno. I guess”

“Hey, I think I did well”

“No, you’re right. You did very well”

“Thank you. I did get asked an awful amount of questions”

“Sorry about that. They need to know everything”

“Your sister did ask me when I was going to propose”

“Oh gosh. What did you say?”

“I told her when the time was right”

I hid my face within the pages of my book, trying to cover the light flush of red that filled my cheeks. When the time was right. I liked that.     

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