November 2016 - Say I Do

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Chapter 44

November 2016 - Say I Do

Work was long and unentertaining today. I was looking forward to going home and relaxing. I walk out of the building when I get a text from Chris;

Text to Mel-face

Hey sweetie. Come straight to the apartment, it’s important

Text from Chris

I go to the apartment without replying to him. I wondered what the emergency could be. I didn’t live that far from the work building so it didn’t take me that long to get to the apartment. As soon as I step into the door way, the lights go out. As the scaredy-cat I am, I started panicking. I nervously look around and that’s when I saw it.

Something dangling from the roof was glowing. I walked over to it and found that it was a star. I pull it from its string and look up to see where it came from. Yes, I was the idiot who looked for someone in the dark. Amongst my search, I found another star. I soon realised that there was a trail of these glow-in-the-dark stars. Being the curious soul I was, I followed them, collecting them as I went. The stars led me to the roof. I opened the door and was completely amazed.

I had walked out onto the roof where Chris was waiting for me. He was dressed up in a fancy suit. There were stars scattered across the ground. Fairy lights hung loosely, making the whole place sparkle.

I walk over to him, “What’s all this?”

He looked at me and started to pull something from his jacket pocket, “Amelia…”

Chris then got down on one knee, “…I know that we’ve had our ups and downs. I know that I’ve messed up on more than one occasion. I don’t know why or how I got so lucky to still have you in my life. Amelia, I love you. I promise to love you forever. It would make me the happiest man alive if you would accept this ring…” He opened a red box that revealed a diamond ring that sparkled in the moonlight, “…and become my wife”

I didn’t know what to say. I loved Chris and our relationship had only two directions to go in, this one or we end it. I didn’t want it to end, I liked being with Chris, “Yes. Of course I will”

A smile made its way across his face as he placed the ring on my finger and wrapped me up in his arms.

Hand in hand, we walked down to our apartment where I found dinner, “Is this crispy chicken and…chocolate milk?”

“Indeed it is my lovely”

“You remembered”

“Of course I remembered”

At one point, before Chris and I had ever started dating, I had told him the story of my sister, Delilah. When I was younger, my mum and I were talking about how we wanted to get engaged. I said that I had no idea since I was never the kind of girl to plan my ‘perfect’ wedding. Delilah on the other hand said, ‘I don’t care what the guy does as long as he makes me crispy chicken with chocolate milk’. My mother and I found it hilarious and ever since, I couldn’t picture my engagement being without those two things.

It seems as though Chris remembered and made sure that it became real. Delilah would be proud.

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