July 2013 - Smooth Sailing

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Chapter 30

July 2013 - Smooth Sailing

The last two months had been a mixture of things. Things with Ryan were incredible and perfect in every way. He had taken me out to dinner then to get ice-cream for our first official date. He even bought me flowers, making sure that they were my favourite. I was basically living at his apartment because I was never at my own place. It wasn’t hard though, considering we lived next to each other. By the end of this, I may end up dying due to the cuteness that is Ryan. He has made me breakfast in bed for the past month. He cooks for me every night. He lets me pick the movies we watch. He even reads to me. The adorable romantic books that always have a happy ending. I learnt that Ryan was a sucker for the sappy, cheesy happy endings. Actually, the last two months I’ve learnt a lot about Ryan and I assume he has learnt a lot about me. Spending this much time with someone generally leads to them getting to know you.

I don’t fully understand but there is just something about Ryan that is just so peaceful. It’s simple and straight forward. He makes me feel loved and wanted. My entire relationship with Chris was difficult because I felt as if we were always struggling to get along. We didn’t fight until the end but I always felt like he was distracted, like he was focusing on something and it turns out that, that something else was Sophie. With Ryan, it’s not like that. It comes so easily for me and Ryan, I don’t have to physically try, and it all feels so natural. As much as I did love Chris, he never made me feel like this. Just by holding my hand, I can feel Ryan’s emotions. He doesn’t have to use words to show me, I can feel how he feels.

In the two months that we’ve been together, I’ve felt more loved then the whole year that I was with Chris. As terrible as that might sound, it’s true.

All I hope is that the rest of my time with Ryan will be as wonderfully beautiful as what we’ve already shared together.

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