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POV: Yoongi
I really didn't want to have to transfer schools, but unfortunately, it all got out of hand, which honestly, was something to be expected of.

"Are you sure that you want to transfer schools, Yoongi?" mum asked me, saying that I still had a choice of staying at my old school, but I said that I had to.

"I need to start afresh," I explained to her, gritting my teeth. "Turn a new leaf as some people may say."

"Alright then, if you're absolutely sure about this," she sighed. "You can transfer."

I mean I wasn't absolutely sure that this was even going to work. However, I had to give it a try. Maybe it'll work out, who knows what'll happen.

I didn't want people knowing my secret. My stupid, lame and pathetic secret. No wonder I couldn't keep friends.

Whenever they bring it up, I just snap. I just hate it when people make fun of what I do, saying its childish, petty and just downright idiotic if I'm being totally honest with myself.

It might be to them, but they don't know the half of the story and I needed the money from my job more than ever.

I wanted to show my family that I was capable of being the next CEO for my dad's company, selling musical instruments.

I had a passion for music, so this was even more important, and the way I make money to prove that could have been anything, any job, but I picked the one I did, because it doesn't matter about what people say, even if people might talk shit about it.

I mean, there's always two sides to a story, and people usually only saw one side to me: the foolish side, not the dark side.

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