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POV: Yoongi
I put on my best suit with my smartest looking tie, eyeing myself in the mirror.

Is this okay?

I didn't think that this day was the most ideal for this to take place, especially considering the circumstances of what had happened today already, but if it had to be today, then it had to.

My 'fate'.

"Yoongi! Are you dressed now?" mum called from the kitchen. I got a hairbrush and tidied up my hair, my fringe perfectly around my eyebrows. "They're going to be over any minute now, and I need you to greet them first!"

"Yeah, mum, I'm coming!" I shouted back, giving myself one last check in the mirror before heading downstairs.

I looked smart enough, and that was fine with me. I hadn't seen Sohwa for a while since I started school here, so I was kind of excited.

'Yuna and Suga'

"Oh, my, Yoongi, you look so amazing!" mum exclaimed, tugging at my tie. "You just look absolutely stunning, sweetie!"

"Thanks, mum," I gave her a smile. "Go and get changed now. I'll open the door for them, okay? Where's dad?" I asked.

"He's getting ready as well, he's upstairs. Okay, behave, Yoongi, I'm coming back in a few minutes, alright?" I nodded. "If you need anything, just give me a shout, but I'm sure you'll be fine on your own for a couple of moments."

I stood by the front door, patiently waiting for the guests to arrive. I fumbled about with my tie, until I heard the familiar doorbell sound.

I opened the door slowly, to reveal Sohwa and her parents, and some other people behind them, which I assumed was her siblings.

"Sohwa! So good to see you, baby girl, how have you been?" I gave her my signature gummy smile, making her giggle.

"Awe, Yoongi, sweetheart, it's so good to see you too!" she pulled me in for a warm embrace, inhaling her rose perfume scent.

I could hear somebody click their tongue in disgust at the back, but I didn't see who it was, so I just brushed it off.

I greeted them all personally, giving Sohwa a hug and kiss on each cheek, and giving everybody else a handshake or a friendly hug, until I saw somebody who was right at the back, ignoring me, who turned away when my hand reached out to shake theirs, despite the fact that I wasn't even looking at them properly.

I gave them a vague glance, seeing the bright red cheeks on his face, as if he had just been slapped. He looked so familiar...

But, no... it wasn't just somebody.
.....It was Hoseok.

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