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POV: Hoseok
"Fuck off, please. I really don't want to talk to you."

"Yeah, but you just picked up my fucking call, didn't you, dumbass? Clearly you want to talk to me, or at least let me talk if you fucking picked up my call, right?"

"Why the hell are you calling me, anyway? Aren't you too busy making soppy ass wedding plans with the twin bitch that I'm ashamed to even call part of my fucking family?! Just... just leave me the hell alone and don't talk to me. Ever again."

I was about to cut the line when he started begging me, like the needy little piece of shit he was.

"Please... Hoseok, I prayed that you would forgive me, that you would somehow give me a second chance, and obviously, that shit never worked, but, please, just hear me out, okay?"

"What do you even have to say? Are you that much of a coward that you can't even tell me anything in person?"

"You wouldn't even let me talk to you, Jung fucking Hoseok! You wouldn't let me near you for all I know... I don't even fucking know where the hell you're at now! I don't know exactly what happened between you and Sohwa, but she's done something bad and I know it!"

"Why do you care? Nobody cares about me. I'm a nobody to everybody: always have been and always will be. I'm just an annoying homo who got his so called 'boyfriend' taken away by their own younger twin sister due to a supposed 'arranged marriage' as you fuckers like to call it. What other part of my life are you going to try and ruin now? Oh, wait. I don't have a life. All I had was you, and even now I don't have you."

"Please! Stop being so depressing and listen to the shit that I've got to say, okay?" he raised his voice, echoing from my ears as I tightly clutched my phone in my hand.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fucking cut the line, Min Yoongi. One good reason is all I'm asking for before you're gone, blocked, and just like that, you'd be out of my life straightaway."

"I... I love you, Jung Hoseok. I fucking love you to death, and you're the reason I found out what true love is! I thought that we were actually going somewhere with our lives together... but everything was ruined. Now, please understand that none of this is my fault! I didn't ask for any of this... now, I'm stuck with Sohwa. I don't want to be, but I seriously have no other choice and we both know that. I'm so fucking sorry, but just remember that I love you so much that I wouldn't even be able to describe that kind of shit to you."

"You love me? Bullshit."

"I'm not kidding. I love you. Too much for me to even talk about. But you won't let me love you. I have no other choice... I have to marry her. I want to be with you more than my life can take it... just, understand that I do. Okay? I do."

"When's your fucking wedding date, then?" I asked, salty.

"Sixteenth of May. Why?"

"You're not going to be there for that wedding. You're going to show me that you love me and you should be lucky that I'm even considering giving you another chance. I fucking love you back, you know that shit, but this can't go on with her involved. You're going to leave my fucking pathetic excuse of a sister and run away with me to Japan together."

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