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POV: Hoseok
"Good morning, class!" my teacher, Mr. Kim Namjoon exclaimed happily, as he did every morning.

His voice always sounded harsh, and I thought he always had a cold or something, but turns out, it was just his normal voice. It's quite soothing, however.

"I would like to introduce a new class member to you lot!" he cheered.

He gestured for the person to come inside, and stood in front of the whiteboard. It was a boy, his hair tinted silvery-white; his posture kind of slouched forward; he looked shorter than most of us here, and he had a look in his eyes of fear and mystery, as if he's hiding something. All round, he looked scary and mysterious.

"Good morning, class!" Mr. Kim repeated, as if to show the boy
what we do every morning.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim!" we all shouted back in unison.

"This is Min Yoongi," he said. I heard a few mumbles and whispers across the class, as some people gave him and odd look, as if they recognise him from somewhere.

Some furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, disgusted looks on their faces, while others snarled and giggled. I, on the other hand, had no idea who this boy was, which I guess was actually kinda good, judging by everybody's response to hearing his name.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Hi, I'm Yoongi," he mumbled wearily. "I like music, I like to rap, play the piano, stuff like that," he shrugged. "Sometimes, I even sing, even though I'm really bad. I quite like acting, and I'm also into basketball,"

A few enthusiastic heads turned around from hearing his passion for playing basketball.

"Also, I dye my hair different colours all the time," he tugged at his silver hair. "So, don't get used to the white," he nervously laughed. "But yeah, that's it, I guess," he said, lacking emotion.

He really was hiding something.

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