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POV: Yoongi
"I-if you want to leave to Japan, I'll come with you, as long as I'm with you, always, I don't care where the fuck we go..." I told him, vision going blurry. "If that's what you want, I'll give it to you. I'll give you the whole world if I could," I smiled weakly.

"Yoongi..." he heaved a sigh.

"I will go with you to Japan. We'll get out of this hell together, and we can stay hidden from everybody else, okay? It's a secret. It's our little secret."

"B-but your job... your show, all of that, what's gonna happen to it? If you leave, your show will get cancelled and you will realise that you made the biggest mistake of your l-"

"Fuck my job! I couldn't give a shit if I quit my job! Even if they fired me, I couldn't care less! Marrying Sohwa would be the biggest mistake of my life! I didn't want any of this fucking shit to happen, and... and.... I really wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew that I would end up being your brother-in-law, rather than to be your husband. I would feel so much regret if I let you go..."

"I... I realised just how far you would actually go for me... for somebody that you just met, for somebody who's worthless and doesn't deserve life... you're really special, you know that?"

"Look, Hoseok. I would do anything for you, seriously anything, if it meant that I could be with you forever... and I mean that, Hoseok, I really mean every single word I just said, so don't act like I don't care for you, because I do!"

"I... I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything at all. Let's go to Japan, Hoseok. You and me, just the two of us. We'll leave this place forever and never come back. We can get married there, and we'll raise our own family. Together. Without anybody else pestering us, we can live and love in our own little dream world. So, what do you say about it?"

With a small smile, he said, "Of course, my precious Yoongi."

It's A Secret | YoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now