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POV: Hoseok
Yoongi actually took out his hand to shake mine, what the hell? Does he know just how much he hurt me?! Is he just pretending like nothing ever happened between us? He was going to be mine, yet this random crap was happening?

My cheeks were stinging from the hard slaps that I was given earlier, but I was used to the pain. That didn't bother me too much.

I was their least favourite, anyway.

"Hey th- H-Hoseok...?" he stuttered, his face going bright red.

His hand went straight back into his pocket in one sharp movement. I blew my bangs with a disgusted face and walked back to where I couldn't be seen.

Yoongi greeted everybody in, exchanging quick glances with me every now and then, even though I didn't want to. He looked like he didn't know why I was here. Was it not obvious to him? He made me feel absolutely sick with what happened before.

I don't want to be anywhere near him ever again. He hurt me, and he's saying that he doesn't want to?

Where's the logic in that?

"Sohwa, please take a seat over here," he pulled out a chair for her. "My parents will be down in just a second." Yoongi said innocently, and that was his parents' cue to come down the stairs with wide smiles.

God, they looked rich. I mean; they are, that's the whole reason we're here. Everybody just wants to be richer.

"Good evening!" Mr. Min smiled cheerfully. "I'm so glad that your family could make it here tonight, Mr. Jung," he shook hands with father, who had a grin on his face as well. "We have some important as exciting news for everybody."

"Take a seat, everyone!" Mrs. Min exclaimed. "I'll bring out the food, and we can discuss this over some dinner."

Sohwa, Yoongi and my parents nodded in agreement, since they were the only other people who applied to these 'important and exciting news'. Unfortunately, those news broke Yoongi in a heartbeat.

"So, what's the big news, Sohwa?" one of my other sisters, Junghwa, squealed happily, excited to know the news.

"Isn't it obvious?" I muttered under my breath, but she heard and gave me a frown.

"Not really, Hobi," she gritted her teeth. "Maybe that's just you. But I want to know!"

When Mrs. Min got the delicious looking food out and sat herself down next to Mr. Min, he spoke up.

"Yoongi, Sohwa, would you like to announce the news together?" he smiled, as they gave each other a small nod and took a deep breath.

"We're getting married!" they exclaimed in unison.

An arranged marriage?!
That wasn't what I was thinking...

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