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POV: Yoongi
"What are you doing, Yoongi? Don't just grab me like that!" Hoseok huffed, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Well, are you going to let me explain?" I sighed.

"What is there for you to explain? Hasn't it all be cleared out already? There's nothing left for you to say!" he turned away.

"Will you not give me a second chance?" I questioned. "Please? Just, let me clear this out."

"You're getting married to my twin sister, Yoongi! The sister that I had no idea was actually working on the same show as you! When she finally came back after months of doing whatever, I thought that you two were just going to announce some sort of new show together!"

"You what?"

"I didn't think that your parents would have arranged a marriage for you! With Sohwa, as well! Does she not know how much she's ruined everything?"

"H-Hoseok..." I sighed "How was I supposed to know that you were her brother?! You didn't tell me anything! Am I just supposed to automatically know everything?" I shouted.

"Why would I tell you about my family? Nobody in my family cares about me, nobody loves me, but of course, they love the superstar, the filthy slut, their money maker! They only love her because she makes them rich!" he spat.


"She's my twin sister, she's actually younger than me, yet she gets all of the praise! I don't even know where she's been for this half year, what am I supposed to do?! I don't have any acting talents, but I for sure wouldn't ever want to be a slutty whore on camera, that's so disgusting!"

"Can you just listen to m-"

"Filming creepy shit is disgusting! Y'all are corrupting the minds of little children by doing this shit!"

"It's just a job!" I screamed. "I can't believe you, Jung Hoseok! It's just a fucking job, I only do it because I have to! Does it look like I want to be the role of a flipping paedophile with your sister?! Does it?! No! It doesn't! Does it look like I want to marry her?! No! She's nice, and all, but I'd rather just pick my partner myself!"

Does he still not know I do porn? Is he just saving that comment for the last time he snaps at me?


"Enough! I wanted you to give me a chance so that I could explain, so that I could actually apologise to you, so that maybe, you could love me again, but clearly, you don't want me,"

I walked towards the dining room door and opened it.

"You can leave if you want to, I don't really give a shit anymore. I wanted you, but you obviously don't want me back, so there's nothing that I can do. Don't come running back to me again if you want me back. I won't take you back again. This is final,"

"W-what?" he stuttered. "I..."

"Leave, Jung Hoseok. Just leave," I repeated. "I'll marry Sohwa, and everything will be fine. My life will be fine. A life without you."

And, with that, he ran out of the front door as soon as possible, not saying another word to me.

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