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POV: Yoongi
"Why can't you just tell me what's going on right now? Why do you have to make me wait like this? Also, why pick today, out of all of the days? I don't understand."

"Did something happen at school today, Yoongi?" mum frowned, looking at my upside-down smile. "You can tell me, you know. It'll help you soothe your mind out a bit, if you let it all out."

"No, no, not like this. Not today. I can't. Out of everything, this cannot be told. No, way." I shook my head in pure disagreement until I could feel myself getting dizzy.

"Awh, are you sure?" she asked me. I nodded once, and she just simply took it. "If you want to know what's happening, then I can assure you that you already know, Yoongi. It's been a while, and maybe I've brought it up or hinted at it a couple times after I talked to you about it, but if you don't remember, then I can always jog your memo-"

"If this is about that, then I already know. I'm still pretty salty about it since it's just going to be kind of weird and awkward, thinking back to our past 'experiences' with each other, but I've sorted out my life, now. I'm prepared... I guess. I just kind of don't understand why you picked me, though."

"So, you do remember then, huh," she raised an eyebrow in relief. "I know that you might be having some confused feelings, but this is for the best. This is the best thing that we can arrange for the two of you... this is for your own benefit as much as it is your father's, Yoongi. Don't be too upset, because I'm sure it'll work out, somehow."

"Why does it not benefit you, mum? Why're you excluded from this?"

"I mean, it does include me too. But it's not really any of my business, Yoongi. I can't really get involved with anything your dad says; I just have to agree with him, since he's the head of this household, darling. One day, you'll be the top dog of the house, the one who chooses everything, and makes all of the decisions. I'm just there for support. I'm simply just your mother. You know that, basic facts."

"You're more than just a 'wife' and just a 'mother'. They are just simply some labels that you use to identify yourself. They don't really mean as much as what you really are. You care for me more than anybody else in the world, and even if dad is the 'top dog', he wouldn't be able to look after me like you do, mum. I'm thankful." I smiled.

"Well, I hope that everything works out for you two in the end.  Because, as much as I can't exactly be the person to choose your 'fate', if you rather put it that way, I don't want to see you upset for the rest of your life. I'm always here for you. This is a really important night for you, so you have to do as your father says, okay? It will be fine, darling!"

The oven made a 'ding' sound, and that was our cue to get up from the couch and take out the food that we had cooked. It smelt so nice, but mum shooed me upstairs to get ready before I could even go near the oven.

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