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POV: Hoseok
Yoongi has kept so many secrets from me, but I can understand why. We all have hidden parts of our lives that we don't want to show to other people, but that's okay.

As long as we're honest with each other and comfortable together, nothing should go horrendously wrong.

The whole point of moving to Japan, even if our living space right now is only temporary, is to turn over a new leaf and start a new life together. Just the two of us, happily going about our days until we peacefully die at the end of our lives.

All I want is for Yoongi to be happy, because if he's happy, then I know for sure that I'll be happy too.

Sometimes, I wished that I could erase the horrible past that I had, wiping away all of those rubbish, pathetic memories that I never wanted to remember again. Instead, I wanted to fill it with exciting, delightful memories.

However, I realised now, that my life wouldn't be the same if I got rid of all of those negative memories. No matter how bad they might be, in the end, they're still a part of your life and you have to treasure what you have left behind in the past, as well as look forward to what's to come in the future.

Yoongi has made me realise so many things, and I thank him eternally for opening up my eyes. I don't know where I would have been at this point in my life if I hadn't met him.

I love him.

For a while, I was quite hesitant to say those words since they have such a strong significance, but recently, I've noticed that these feelings for Yoongi were not just a 'I like you' kind of thing, but way more than that. 

I couldn't have imagined what would have happened to him if he was taken away by Sohwa to be her 'perfect' man of a husband.

I want to be with him for many, many years to come, and I hope that he won't ever leave my life, the way some people do. I don't ever want to hurt him, but I want to simply just love him, and be loved back.

Who knows what'll happen?

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