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POV: Hoseok
Please tell me that Yoongi isn't creeped out at what I did. I really don't know what got to me, but when I got to my bedroom, I kept wondering what that kiss could've ended up being if I didn't pull away.

I mean, he probably thinks I'm a real wuss, because that was my kiss, but I pulled away. He seemed cool about it, and even admitted to actually liking it, but I literally just met him.

A bit weird, isn't it?

I didn't think that I could have feelings for somebody that I just met.

I closed my eyes, pondering about my life. I did this quite often, where I think about where I want to go with my life, and what I want to do for the future. I know it seems a bit soppy in a way, but I did that anytime I was feeling worried about anything.

Surprisingly, it always seems to work.

It didn't work this time, however. Yoongi and the kiss kept popping back into my mind, and I really couldn't understand why.

I don't know why I'm feeling like this.

I went onto YouTube, to try and find that really weirdly named show that Yoongi was casted in, 'My Daddy'. There were a load of uploads for that show, creepily.
Maybe it was a big hit for children, but really, what was so good about that show that made it so popular?

However, whenever I clicked on a video that came up, it told me that it had been flagged, so I couldn't watch it since it had been blocked. Weird. I tried looking for anything that was unblocked, until I came across a commercial for the show.

I clicked on it, plugging my earphones into my phone. I do know that it was a kids show. I didn't want anybody hearing anything and suspecting weird things about me, however.

I was shocked to see that this clearly wasn't a normal children's show. It really did seem quite odd and kinky, not like porn or anything, but the undertone of the commercial reeked of sexual tension. Perhaps it was a kids show, but with mature themes, just like I suspected earlier.

Is this why Yoongi was so ashamed to say anything about his acting career?

The blonde young girl, supposedly the other main character, was only wearing a top exposing half her stomach, and a short, pink miniskirt with suspenders that matched. Her shoes seemed to have quite high heels, her slender legs showing. For a girl who looked like she was around eleven, she looked very mature, it was kinda scary.

Also, she kinda reminded me of my sister, and the actress even shared the same name as her, but it couldn't have been her. I know my sister left our house ages ago to audition for shows, but it didn't look like her- there was no way it could look like her, because she looked way too young and fragile.

When Yoongi showed up on the screen, finally, and woah, he looked so good. He seemed to be topless, pretty much, showing his muscles and abs on his stomach. His hair was crimped, his fringe cut perfectly, and his million-dollar smile showing.

When he and the girl, Yuna, were on the screen together, I could finally see why little children would like them.

They looked so sweet and cute, despite the fact that there still seemed to be a slight age difference between the two.

Being completely honest though, I was totally turned on by a half-naked Yoongi.

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