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POV: Yoongi
Why is he ignoring my texts? Did I scare him off? Did he forget who's number this was? Is he upset because of me? Did I do something? Ugh, I don't know.

Maybe, he found out and he's creeped out?!Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. It better not be because of that... please.

Why are you ignoring me, Hoseok?

Yoongi: are u ignoring me
Yoongi: did I do something
Yoongi: sorry if I upset u
Yoongi: I didn't mean to
Yoongi: pls just don't ignore me
Yoongi: r u ok
Yoongi: are u still asleep
Yoongi: did I scare u off
Yoongi: just tell me why

I kept spamming messages to him until I got too worried about it and walked over to his house. It was early morning, but I didn't care. Was it because of what happened? Was he still bothered by what happened? He had the guts to kiss me, so why's he getting upset over it?

I knocked on the door several times, almost punching it, until I got him awake and downstairs, opening the door. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, his bed hair sticking up in different places. It almost looked like he had a quiff. Almost.

"Hmm, Yoongi, hey," he yawned, stretching. "What brings you here so early?" he said calmly.

"What the hell are you on about, what brings me here so early?! You didn't answer or read any of my-" I checked my phone, counting the amount of spam messages I had sent him this morning. "Fifty eight messages! Fifty eight!" I screamed.

He blinked rapidly.

"I was so worried about you, Hoseok! I thought you had... I thought that you knew my- I thought you were... were ignoring me... because I-I.... my job," I paused. "I thought you f-found out," I looked down at the floor.

"Your job?" he asked softly. "You thought I knew about your job? Did you think that I was creeped out about what you do on screen? Why should it matter to me, what you do for employment? It's your pay, why should I judge?" he shrugged. "I don't understand why so many people judge you."

"Did you research me, like, online? Using Google?" I asked him.

"Yeah... why?"

"Our public status is being a kid's show, as you might have read online," I told him. Did I really want to continue what I was saying to him? Wouldn't it be too risky? "But, really, we're... no, actually, never mind, it's nothing," I stopped, mentally slapping myself in the face several times.

Why would I want to tell him?

"Oh, alright then," he smiled cheerfully. "If you say so," he said, ushering me into his house.

I swear that deep down, he did know the dark side to my job, and he was just covering it up with a smile because he feels bad bringing the subject up. I bet he knows. I bet he does.

But that was a close shave. No, he didn't have to know. Nobody had to know.

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