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Before we start, I want to say a quick thank you for 11K reads on this! ^o^

POV: Hoseok
"You alright?" Yoongi asked me as we roamed the streets of Osaka with little money. We even walked inside a huge shopping centre and window shopped for a while, admiring the crazy amount of stuff Japan had to offer to us.

I stopped and looked inside a window of a CD & DVD shop, staring at the cover of one DVD in particular.

"Hoseok? Is something wrong? What're you looking at?" he asked me, trying to see where my gaze was fixed on.

"I can't read it, goddamnit, it's in Japanese," I mumbled to myself as I walked inside the store, not saying a word to Yoongi.

"Hoseok? Oi, Hoseok! Don't just go in without telling me!" he shrieked, running inside to catch up with me.

"That can't be, can it?" I murmured to myself, staring at the disc carefully. "b-but, it has to be. Nobody else looks like that, it can't be anybody else. It must be him, it must be."

I picked up the disc and flipped it to the back of it, where I managed to find some familiar Korean at the bottom. There were names of the actors and the company, and sure enough, I said his very name imprinted there too, along with my bitch twin.

"Hoseok, what even are you talking about?" Yoongi laughed, attempting to see the disc from behind me. I turned around, holding it up towards his face.

"So, this is you, huh?" I asked.

"Uh... yeah?" he squinted, looking at the pale face on the cover.

"Right. So, this show is a kids' show, and it's also quite popular in Japan as well as our home land, South Korea then?"

"Y-yes, it is. I do have a lot of Japanese fans here, and I am trying to keep a low profile in Osaka since it's such a big city."

"I ask again, this is a children's show, isn't it? This particular show that you star in airs on the kids channel in South Korea, does it not?"

"Mm-hm, it does indeed," he nodded back, looking away from me. Shit, why is he doing this?

"So. If that's the case, then why was this disc put in the over 18's section of the store? With 'explicit content' written on the front?"

So I was wrong about wishing that he already knew. He was just about to find out right this second, and everything was going to go horribly wrong.

"I... wait, did you not know?"

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