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POV: Hoseok
"This was a simple command. I asked your mother to pass on one simple message, which you were supposed to do regardless of whether it pleases you or not, but this is unacceptable! You know this, do you know ashamed you make me feel when I have to put up with this kind of behaviour?! It won't be tolerated, Hoseok!"

Another slap on the face. This time, on the other cheek, with a loud sound, and just harder. That one was sure to leave a red mark. It really screamed 'I got slapped by my dad today'. I could feel my eyes sting, not exactly from the pain of his palm, but because of those hurtful words.

This kind of behaviour.
Not be tolerated.

All of these words would sting me like a bee that just stabbed me a million times, mostly because of the fact that I had ashamed my own father, my flesh and blood.

I wouldn't dare talk back to him. I just have to accept it and agree. I can't act like I was with mum.

"I'm not going to do anymore than that, for the time being, because you have some place to be, just like the rest of us," he hissed, his beady eyes glaring at me. "Do you understand?!"

"Y-yes, father," I nodded forcefully, praying that my tears weren't steaming down my face. I had done enough crying today already, and my father certainly didn't need to know anything about that situation. "I understand fully."

"Good! Now, go upstairs and change! Put on something appropriate, not any of this cheap-looking, mucked up filth, Hoseok. You have to look rich to feel rich, son," he pushed my back so that I would walk upstairs faster.

This 'cheap-looking, mucked up filth' is all that you would buy me anyway. I'm not good enough- unlike her.

"Yes father," I replied sternly, slamming my bedroom door shut. "Duck off, father, I hate your guts,"

I muttered under my breath, rummaging through my clothes to find a neat looking suit and tie, until I heard a soft knock on the door. I threw it open, my face still burning with anger.

It was her.

I hadn't seen her in so long that I didn't recognise it was her at first, but the only person that it could have been was her. So, she actually was the same girl from the show.

What a slut she's turned into.

"What d'ya want, girl?" I spat out, my saltiness clearly getting to her. "As you can see, I'm kind of busy over here," I pointed to my messy pile of clothes. "Basically, I'm telling you to 'go away', in case you're too thick to understand."

"Don't be like this," she frowned. "I need you there for support, Hoseok. I need you there, you're the missing piece in my life! I haven't seen you in so long, yet this is how you treat me?" I could hear the sadness in her voice, but I stopped caring.

"This has nothing to do with me, sis, and I'm not the 'missing piece' in your life, you make me sound as if you're my lover. Everything's already been sorted out for you, so why worry?" I asked sarcastically.

"You've changed, Hobi," she sighed, her voice sounding soft. "but, do you know what's happening tonight? Have they told you anything yet?" she clearly sounded excited.

"I'm not stupid, dumbass, I know exactly what's going on. They don't need to spell it out for me, it's the obvious! I figured it out. Why that guy though? Why continue with him?"

"What... w-what do you mean, why him? What do you know about h-him? I don't e-even think you know him! Personally, I-I think he's amazing!" she stuttered.

"You're the reason why he's broken. You're the reason why I'm broken, yet you don't even know?! What kind of a sister are you?!" I raised my hand at her, but she stopped it, nearly snapping my wrist with the amount of force that she had put into that action.

"Does this look like this is of my doing?! Do I have a say in all of this?! I don't! Can I stop any of this happening?! I can't! Ultimately, all of this is down to father! So, stop blaming it all on me! Do you know how crap you're making me feel, for no reason? Ugh, just change and hurry up! I don't want to look at you, you're messed! I miss the old Hobi..." she yelled, her voice getting harsher.

I slammed the door in her face with a loud huff, throwing on my shirt with a green tie. I looked like a mess, but I didn't care.

I didn't understand what she was getting so worked up for. Everybody was acting as if something huge was going to happen but I thought that she was just getting a promotion, or celebrating another season of filming her stupid show.

But I didn't care anymore.
Nothing mattered.

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