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POV: Yoongi
In the middle of class, I heard the song 'Kiss Kiss' by Chris Brown suddenly start playing, which made my eyes dart around to see who it was, until it stopped at Jimin, who was looking down at her phone from under the table.

"Ugh, who's calling me now?" I heard her mutter, her face going red as she tried to muffle the ringtone. Pfft, Chris Brown.

Smiling, I nudged Hoseok, who was laughing as well, pointing at Jimin struggling to turn her phone off.

"Excuse me, Miss. Park!" Mr. Kim finally realised, as her head shot up from under the table, smiling sheepishly at the teacher. "What do you think you're doing in class? Also, you like Chris Brown?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Uh... yeah?" she squinted at the teacher's odd question. "He's so hot, too." she giggled, as everybody looked at her with disgusted faces, including me and Hoseok.

When Jimin's humiliation time was over, we all got back to our work until the bell rang for us to pack our things and go to our next class.

"Um, Mr. Min, can you stay behind after class for a bit?" Mr. Kim suddenly turned to me, a concerning look spreading across his face. "You're not in trouble, don't worry, there's just something that I want to say."

I nodded as a 'sure', before giving Hoseok a quick glance, mouthing that I'll tell him later, as he walked off to his next subject. We weren't even in the same class for first period anyway, so I guess it was okay.

"So, what did you want to ask me, sir?" I asked casually, as he started typing something on his computer, before showing the screen to me.

"This is you, isn't it?" he pointed at a mint green-haired boy, linking arms with a brown-haired girl, looking really cheerful. Sure enough, it was me and Sohwa.

It was a picture from one of our promotions for the kids' show, but it was odd for me to see myself on a screen like that.

"Yeah, that's me," I mumbled, my eyes glued to the picture.

Why was he asking?

I stood still for a second. "Is something bothering you, sir?"

"You see, Yoongi," he started. "My small niece watches your show, and I only recently found out, when I recognised you from TV," he said. "but, when I googled your show, a bunch of porn came up."

"I, er, uhm..." I didn't know what else to say.

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