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POV: Yoongi
I had to admit, that kiss was pretty awkward, but I sort of liked it, in a way. Hoseok seemed to be a nice person, and I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with him. But, I met him today, so that kind of was a bit much. Either way, I liked it.

"I'm going back now," I explained. "See you tomorrow, Hoseok." I said calmly.

"G-goodnight, Yoongi," he replied, before opening the front door to his house. "Thanks, by the way."

"For what?"

"Inviting me over, a-and walking me back,"

"It's cool." I said, before walking back to my house.

The next day, all I could think about was kissing Hoseok again, but properly this time. No, I barely knew him, why was I feeling like that?

I didn't understand.

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