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POV: Hoseok
46 missed calls from Father.

No matter how many times he calls, I'm not going to pick up. In fact, I deleted his number off my phone completely and blocked him in case he still called.

Yoongi knew that we were both pretty paranoid about the messy catastrophe we left back in Korea, but we decided to leave it.

We had to stop worrying.

"Look... I know that both of us have problems and issues, we've both noticed that, but we've gotta learn to deal with it, okay?" Yoongi smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Like I said before, we're gonna get through this. Together. Open up to me, tell me everything. No secrets. Let's build a relationship with a foundation of trust, alright? Forget everything that happened back in Korea. Forget it all. Trust me, it'll make your life a whole lot easier."

I nodded slowly.

"Everything will eventually start to get better, do you understand? You just have to give everything a bit of time... it takes time." he stressed the word 'time'.

"T-time." I repeated back.

"Mm-hm, that's exactly it, babe," he nodded. "And in no time, we'll be settled in and you will forget everything that ever happened. Now, all we have to do to begin this new life is to buy a house."

"A house?" I totally forgot.

"Yeah. I know. I'm fucking stupid, I didn't realise before, but we really do need a fucking house if we want to live here," he said blandly, face palming. "Fuck me," he muttered, looking around the busy night streets of Osaka. "Ugh. For tonight, a hotel is going to have to do, baby. I'm sorry."

"A hotel is good enough for me, don't worry."

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