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POV: Hoseok
I actually couldn't believe he would do such a thing as to make me leave like that, what the fuck?!

What's wrong with him?

I called Sohwa's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hobi? What are you doing? Where are you? Come back!" she said, a panicked tone in her voice.

"Does it look like I want to go back to see that filthy fuck that you now call your fiancé?! No, thank you, idiot!"

"Stop being so stupid and get your act together. Come back here right now before father sees and you get it!" she hissed into the phone. "Now."

"No!" I said sternly. "I said no before, so I can say it again. No! Why should I come back? It's got nothing to do with me, so why should I even give a fuck?"

"Don't be stubborn and come back. Please, Hoseok. Please!" she begged, but I wasn't going to budge.

"Well, excuse me if I'm fucking pissed off at the both of you for literally splitting me up with the love of my fucking life like that!" I screamed, voice going harsh.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"You're the fucking reason that I can't be with Yoongi anymore! Do you know how fucking shit that is to me?! Do you know the amount of pain I felt when I heard you two say that like a pair of shitty lovebirds?! Do you know how betrayed I felt?!"

"If you were dating Yoongi, why didn't you tell me before, huh?! You know that he's one of my colleagues, why would you not tell me?!"

"Actually, I didn't know that he was your colleague until today! And why the hell would I tell you that I'm gay?! You'd tell father, and surely, he'd kick me out! He already fucking hates me, what else am I supposed to do?! The only thing that I could do was to keep fucking quiet about it! It was too late for me to tell you anything by the time you came back!"

"Well, Hoseok. That's your own fault, isn't it? You had those consequences coming for you already. You know that me and Yoongi have been acting together for such a long time. I'm pretty sure that marriage probably wouldn't feel much different."

"What are you s-saying?"

"I'm saying that I'm marrying Min Yoongi, no matter what your past was with him. Your own fault, your own consequences. You're just going to have to face the reality of this world and move on with your life."

"N-no, you're joking me!"

"Of course I'm not. This was the plan all along, and he knew that he was getting married to me long before he even met you. If he really genuinely liked you, then it's quite a shame that he has to let you down like this."

"No! He loves me! He really does love me! He said! He said it! He actually said it to me! He mea-"

"That's an even bigger shame for you then, because he certainly doesn't anymore."

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