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POV: Yoongi
What was Hoseok doing back at his house? Homework? Chores? Whatever it was, it was taking him a hell of a long time, until he called me.

"Su- Y-Yoongi," he stuttered. "I'm on my way right now, don't worry."

"Jeez, what were you doing?"

"Sorry, I was doing some research for something," he mumbled.

So it was homework.

"Okay, then. See you soon," I cut off the line, as I got myself something to eat.

"Yoongi!" mum yelled. "The door! Did you invite a friend over?"

"Yeah, I'll get it!"

"It's so nice that you found a friend who you can invite over," she whispered, smiling. "I'm going out so you two will be alone, alright?" she grabbed her handbag, going out through the back door.

"Hoseok!" I smiled. "I almost thought that you weren't going to come! I was worried."

"I'm not cruel like that,"
he shrugged. "I wouldn't say that I'm coming over, and then just bail. I'm not that quite of person,"

"Yeah, I'm glad you're nice," I agreed. "Come in! My mum just kinda went out, so we have the house to ourselves," I prayed that I didn't have anything dodgy or weird in my room, as I was planning to take him upstairs later.

"So, do you want anything, to eat, or to drink?" I said, opening my fridge. "We have loads of food, so help yourself," I offered. He took out a carton of apple juice and some shortbread cookies.

"You have so much in your fridge, wow!" he gasped, in awe.

"Yeah, sometimes, my mum buys too much food, so just kind of cram it all in there, you know," I laughed nervously. "But make yourself at home, take a seat," I pointed to the sofa couches in the living room, as as brought our food there.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked, taking a seat on the sofa.

"It's your house, you choose,"

"But you're the guest,"

"But you're the host."

"Oh, come on!" I giggled. "Let's go upstairs then? After we finish our food? Tell me about your life, Hoseok, I wanna know."

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