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POV: Hoseok
During first period, I tried looking at his face, seeing if I actually recognised him or not, but I wasn't able to.

He barely looked up from his work, only to see what Mr. Kim was writing. When first period ended, I decided to speak to Yoongi.

"Hey," I said. "What was that about just now with Jimin?"

"Jimin?" he asked, still not looking up at me. "Is that her name?"

"Yeah, Park Jimin thinks she's really popular at school. She looks like a twelve year old boy, though."

"Pff, is she actually popular though?" I nodded, sadly. "What a bitch." he cursed.

"A popular bitch." I agreed.

"What she said was too much," he hissed. I didn't dare ask him what she said about him.

"So, where's History?" he asked, furrowing his brows and squinting down at his timetable.

"Come on," I smiled. "I'll take you there. I'm in your class, anyways." I said, as we made our way downstairs to the next block.

Yoongi seemed cautious everywhere he went, dodging any questions or murmurs.

He just pulled my arm to make me take him to History faster, so I sped up, moving people away as they stopped to talk to Yoongi.

He left his hand on my arm as I guided him through the school, until we got to our next class.

"Why do people keep coming up to you? Like, in class, I noticed as well, many people seemed to know you from somewhere," I asked, finally giving in to my stupidity.

Surprisingly, he just looked up, with a small smile on his face, his eyes twinkling.

"It's nothing," his smile widened. "It's fine, don't worry about it too much, yeah?" he playfully punched my arm. 

"Oh, okay," I smiled back, as we got on with our work.

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