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POV: Hoseok
"What's up, Hoseok?" sir asked me, seeing that the spark in my eyes were gone. "Why do you look so upset? Did something happen? Wait, no, it was with Yoongi, wasn't it?"

I nodded, forcing out the truth. I didn't want to admit to myself that it was because of Yoongi, and all of the hurtful things he had said about not being 'able' to be with me. What kind of crap was that?

"How'd you know, sir?" I asked him, wondering how good his observant skills were, or whether it was just because it was totally obvious that it was because of Yoongi. "How did you know?"

"I just do. Teacher powers!" he tapped his head with a slight chuckle. "Naw, I'm just kidding. You guys didn't talk or look at each other once during class, after lunch, even during pair talks, so I was quite surprised. You two got along so well, I don't know what happened at lunch, that maybe made you guys fall ou-"

"What did you talk about with Yoongi this morning? If, that is, you don't mind me asking," I could feel sweat dripping down from my forehead, and I'm sure sir noticed too.

"Well, are you aware of the fact that Yoongi does acting? And that his father is the CEO and founder of the famous music company called 'Minstruments'?"

"Um...well, yeah. I googled that much, but I wasn't aware of the fact that he was acting in such a popular kids' show, and that's actually pretty cool to think that you know somebody famous, if you ask me... but with that so-called scandal about that child-rape incident and everything, I don't really kn-"

"The scandal is false, Hoseok," sir said blatantly. "Gossip magazines make up all sorts of weird stuff, but it's been confirmed false, so, you don't have to worry about that, if that's what's worrying you."

"No... no, that's not it. I wouldn't have believed that column about that thing with the other actress, but, is he hiding anything else from me? I understand if he thinks that his profession is childish but that can't just be it, can it? Is there something dark and grim to what he does? Surely, not."

"Oh. Right," his facial expression turned blank instantly. "You don't know, then," he muttered under his breath. "Well, I don't think that he's hiding anything else from you, but maybe if you ask him, he might open up to you," he suggested, just like Seokjin had mentioned. "If you need anything, I'm always here," he gave me a cheesy smile.

"Uhm, well, thanks, sir, I appreciate you wasting time for somebody like me, I'll excuse myself," I bowed, walking towards the door.

"You're not a waste of time, Hoseok," sir said, as if he had repeated that phrase a million times before. "Don't think low of yourself, okay? I hope it all goes well. I personally think you guys look cute together."

My face flushed red instantly. "I... I will go n-now, b-bye sir!" I waved frantically before closing the door behind me. "Wow," I sighed.

What was Yoongi hiding from me?
What's the big 'secret' that was supposedly going to 'hurt' me?

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