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POV: Yoongi
I dashed home straightaway, not even taking a second glance at Hoseok, who seemed to have been ignoring me.

I've been ignoring him.

"Oh, Yoongi!" mum exclaimed, as I walked through the door. "It's great that you're home so early, but how come?" she asked, grabbing an apron from the kitchen. Why was she doing that? She was already wearing one.

"I just managed to get out of school before everybody else, I guess," I mumbled. "I escaped the usual big crowd, luckily."

I wasn't going to tell her that I ran home because I was so scared. Scared that I was going to hurt him.

She handed me an apron with a sweet smile. "Do you mind helping me with some cooking? We've got guests around tonight, so I need all of the assistance that I can get... also, this is very important, especially for you, Yoongi, sweetie, so you're going to be on your best behaviour, okay?"

I took the apron and gave her a small nod. Maybe helping mum would help me take my worries off of Hoseok and what had happened earlier. Hopefully, it could clear my mind up a bit.

"So, who are we having over?" I asked, as she got me a knife, a peeler and a chopping board. She handed me some tomatoes, carrots and potatoes, washed and ready for me to peel and slice.

"The Jung family are coming,"
she smiled. "There are a lot of them, really, so we have to cook extra for everyone!" she laughed, starting up the oven.

"Sohwa as well?" my eyes lit up at the thought of seeing my fellow friend, an incredibly sweet and kind seventeen year old, the same age as me. However, she looked scarily young for her age; she could pass as a ten year old, honestly. That's probably the reason why she's casted as a young female in the show.

"Well, darling, actually, that's the whole reason why we're inviting the Jung family over, Yoongi," her face quickly got more serious. "And I know that this might all be really sudden to you, and you might be in shock for a while, but, this is something we need to discuss before they come over, alright?" her tone sounded normal, but her facial expression definitely wasn't the norm.

"What...w-what are you talking about, mum? Why do you look so serious?" I stuttered, my chest suddenly feeling tight as I saw mum's face get more stern and scary.

"We have to focus on the food for the moment, Yoongi," she mumbled back, adjusting the heat on the stove as she got a frying pan and some oil. "But, I promise you, that we will discuss it before the Jung household come over, okay? I promise, Yoongi." she smiled, as I passed her the chopped tomatoes.

I didn't know what was happening.

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