45 (End)

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Thanks for nearly 21K! ^o^ I'm so happy to see my reads increasing as I hope everybody enjoys this last little part from me~ <33

POV: Yoongi
"Hoseok." I said flatly.

"What?" he grunted.

"Are you angry at me?" I frowned, looking at his facial expression.

"Why do you say that?"

"You look angry. You sound angry. You just seem angry."

"Well, no. I'm not."

"Yes, you are. I can see right through your little lies. Are you angry at me, Hoseok?"

"Why would I be angry with you? What have you done that's so bad I'd get angry at you?"

"Are you angry at me because of the show I'm on? Are you angry because you've read about me being accused of paedophilia? Is that why, Hoseok?"

"No, of course not, silly... It's not any of that at all. It's just that I was so stupid to not have realised before that you were doing porn as well as a children's show. Why am I so dumb? Ugh, I can't believe it."

"I-I'm sorry... I really am so sorry, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Please, just..." my voice trailed away.

"Just what?"

"Listen to me, Hoseok. I need my apology to actually mean something to you, as much as they mean to me. I am so fucking sorry, my baby. I can't bear to see you get so frustrated at me, so please show me your beautiful smile. Baby, please!"

He looked up to me tearfully, blinking as the tears flowed down his face. He took out one of his hands and I grabbed it, stroking it gently with my hand.

"I'm sorry for being so overdramatic... I should've known better than to have snapped at you like that. I'm so sorry... I hope my apology reaches the bottom of your heart, baby."

I was speechless.

"I... I love you, Jung Hoseok. I love you so fucking much and I'm so glad that I was able to wipe my horrendous past away and turn over a new leaf. Even better, start a new life with my one and only true love. You!"

He threw himself onto me, wrapping his arms around my neck as my hands slid down to his waist. I twirled him around like a beautiful princess and laughed.

"I love you too!" he exclaimed, giving me a big kiss on the lips.

"It was a secret, but now I've realised that I can no longer hide anything from you, because that wouldn't be right. So, from now on, I've decided to promise you something, if you'll promise me the same thing too."

"Sure, what is it?" he beamed, smoothening out the hair on my fringe that was covering my eyes.

"No more secrets?"

"No more secrets!"

             THE END
WELL! That took a million years for me to finish, but I think this is a cute ending, no? I'm kinda attached to this story since I've been writing it for so long but there's only so much j can write about this story lol

Sohwa can go rot in hell and Yoonseok will finally be together in peace haha

But yeah. I hope you enjoyed this story through the 9 months(?) that I've spent writing (lol that makes this story sound so fucking old) and I hope that you will enjoy my future/other stories too ^o^

Again, thank you so much for reading and I hope y'all have an amazing day~ <3

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