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POV: Hoseok
"Why the hell do I have to go, mum?! Why does it matter to me? I don't care what's happening- you wouldn't tell me if I asked, anyway, so there's no point!"

"Hoseok, calm down! You have to go, it's mandatory to our house rules! Listen to me! I'm your mother, and these are ground rules! We've been invited to somebody else's house since we have something important to discuss with their household, and you have to come too! You need to know as well!"

"What kind of rules are these?! You literally just made that up! Why can't you just tell me this so called thing that you need to discuss? Just because you're my mum, you think that you can boss me around for everything in my life?! No! Why are you forcing me to go? Does it look like I want to go? Does it, mum?! No!"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, young man! Why are you disrespecting me all of a sudden? I give you one command - mind you, this was only one small order - and now you're yelling at me?! I can't believe you, honestly! Why can't you just listen and agree politely?"

I felt a warm hand whack against my cheek, my face now burning with pure anger. She was asking for something, and I didn't care whether she was my parent or not. Everybody is equal, so their statuses in my life don't matter.

"Maybe because I don't agree! I'm allowed to say 'no' if I want to. You can't force me, can you? These ground rules can't be made up on the spot, because that's a cheat! I'm staying right here. At home. Without anybody telling me what to do!"

"If you want to be on your own, then you can get out of our house the moment you turn eighteen! That's not a problem with me! You can simply leave, and abide your own rules! Wouldn't you like that? However, you're under your father's roof, where what he says is final! There's no arguing back, and you need to know that! You have to support her, because what she's going to go through is going to be a lot for everyone to take in!"

"So, it's not even about me? Then, why should I care? You can just tell me when you get back, or even better, you can just tell me now! I don't need to go to another household to be told something about her! Why should I care about somebody like her?"

"You haven't seen her for so long, she's your other half! Literally! Why can't you understand that sometimes, everything isn't just about you! The whole world doesn't revolve around Jung Hoseok, now, does it? Maybe you should have been in her position, if you're going to 'act' like that!"

"You tell me that I have to 'support' her, and see how it's like when if I would be in her position, but how am I supposed to know what the hell you're talking about if you don't even tell me? Do you think I have psychic powers or something? I can't read your mind, dumbass!"

The moment that last word slipped out of my mouth, purely and only due to the raging volcano that had erupted inside of me, I heard the five words that I hated the most in my life. Because, I knew that if heard those tiny, five words, I would have been a goner.

"I'm calling down your father!"

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