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POV: Hoseok
When break came, I took that as my chance to ask Yoongi why the hell he was kept back for.

"Oh, it was nothing," he shrugged, but I could see straight through his lies. "We talked about some porn, that's all."

"Wait, what the hell?" I shrieked, realising what he had just said so relaxingly. "Porn? Alright, then."

Weird people.

"Right," I didn't want to continue that conversation any further. I didn't want to hear how disturbing it was going to end up being. "So, do you want me to buy you anything?" I pointed to the cafe.

"Meh, I don't really care," he just shrugged. "If you're going, get me a cinnamon roll."

" But, Yoongi... you already have a cinnamon roll. I mean, he's right here!" I poked my cheek, making him let out a small laugh. "You know, we would be so cute together."

"Shut up," he muttered, but I could see that he hid a smile when he craned his neck forwards so that I couldn't see his face. "We aren't even together, Hoseok." he mumbled shyly.

"Yoongi, do you not remember? Like, we just had a make-out session when you came over to my house this morning, and that awkward kiss before," I brought up, making him hide his face even more.

"Yeah... but that was a one-time thing, wasn't it?" his voice suddenly got more harsh.

I tried to lift his head up slowly, but he just threw his head back, his face painted red.

"Yoongi...? Are y-you okay? Did I-I s-say something th-that made you f-feel upset?" I stuttered, a lump forming in the back of my throat as I gulped nervously. This boy really looked like he wanted to kill me. I didn't understand why, beside he was completely fine before.

"Look, Hoseok," he said sternly, making me face him straight. "I can't be with you, okay? I can't go near you, or talk to you, like my spam of messages? Mistake. I can't get close to you, or get intimate with you, or anything, okay?"

I could feel some tears forming in my eyes, as I tried to blink them away, failing miserably. "But... what do you mean, you can't be with me? Do you not like me? Did I do something? Did I say something? Just tell me, why? Why can't I be with you? I... I love you, Yoongi, and even if you won't be with me...I still would."

He turned around, so that his back was facing me. "I'm sorry, Hoseok," his voice quietened. "I am really sorry, but I just c-can't, " his voice cracked. "I can't do th-this. I can't b-be with you. I don't want you to f-find out, I don't want you to get h-hurt," his voice sounded shaky, like he was about to cry.

He stood up abruptly, taking his bag with him. He swiftly walked away, not saying another word to me.

"Yoongi!" I shouted back, but he wouldn't reply. He was already completely gone, by the time that I had called for him. "w-what is it that you don't want me to find out about? Why would I g-get hurt? Yoongi..." I breathed heavily, little sobs in between each breath.

"Hoseok! Are you okay, Hoseok? Why are you so upset? What happened?" a familiar voice asked from behind me.

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