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POV: Yoongi
Finally, I found someone who doesn't know who I am. I don't even know why people look down at my job, because, in the end, it's just a job. It's not what I do for a living, or anything that I'm going to do forever, so I don't see what their problem is with me.

As we walked around the school to switch classes, I caught many people staring, probably whispering some rude remark about me or my job.

I even heard somebody clearly say that "this fucking boy thinks he's so cool, yet he works with little children as if it's nothing."

And to that, I simply put my middle finger up at them. 

"Hoseok," I whispered to him after school.

"Yeah, bro?" he asked.

"You wanna come over to my place? I wanna be your friend." I said directly. Face it, Yoongi, he was the only person who would probably be your friend, especially since he didn't know anything.

"Yeah, sure, man," he said. "I have to go home real quick, but give me your address and I'll pop over in a while, okay?" I scribbled my home address on a piece of scrap paper and handed it to him.

"See you later," I waved, walking home.

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