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POV: Yoongi
"J-Japan...?" I choked out, my heart sinking at the thought of running away somewhere without anybody else knowing.

"Yes, Min fucking Yoongi. Japan. Like, the country. You know? All that 'watashi' shit? Yeah, Japan. Didn't I just say that?" he replied sourly. "J-A-P-A-N. We can get there easily, and nobody will be able to find us there."

"A-are you sure about this, Hoseok?" I asked. "Y-you don't have to go this far..." even though we were on a phone call, I could tell what his facial expressions were immediately. I knew him too well, so it was as if I was talking to him face to face.

"Yes, I fucking do! Are you gonna join me or not, then?" he demanded. "You said you love me, yet you're hesitating to get away from her? I would take that chance in a single heartbeat if it meant that I could marry you, but you seem reluctant like the selfish piece of shit that you are! I actually don't understand your sick mind sometimes!"

"Well, I don't understand your sick family sometimes! I seriously don't know what's going on in your family, but I know that they're horrendous! What am I supposed to do about it? How am I going to benefit any better by going to Japan, huh?"

"You're actually so ignorant sometimes, it hurts," he hissed, the tone of his voice quiet but still too intimidating to ignore. "I'm seeing this as an opportunity for us to forget everything that has happened! I'm seeing this as a second life, a clean slate, turning over a new leaf or whatever they say! My family: you can get away from them! School: you can get away from that as well! You can finally get away from that sicko... and be with me."

He paused for a second, and only silence and the sound of my breathing could be heard. I didn't understand why he stopped talking, until I heard sniffling and a few shaky breaths from the other end of the line. After a pause, he weakly whispered to me.

"Isn't that what you want?"

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