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POV: 3rd Person
Despite the fact that Yoongi sat next to Hoseok in their last class of the day, he managed to ignore the younger pretty well.

Hoseok couldn't get the courage to even look at the boy, since he was shivering with fear.

"What's the answer, Yoongi?" Mr. Kim, who took the boys for last period, asked. "Yoongi? Are you paying any attention?"

"Hm, what, sorry?" he looked up from his notebook, which Hoseok saw was just a bunch of illegible scribbles that had nothing to do with the work. "Please repeat the question, sir."

"I asked, what year did the Japanese annex Korea?" he said, a slight frown on his face. "I'm sure that if you were listening to me properly, you would know the answer."

"Um... I don't know, sir, sorry," he hung his head in shame, going slightly red underneath all of his hair.

"Would anybody like to help out Mr. Min? What year did Korea go under the rule of the Japanese, after being annexed by them?"

Hoseok's hand shot straight up. No matter how much he had been hurt by Yoongi that lunch, he wanted to help him nonetheless.

"Ah, Mr. Jung, yes?"

"1910, it was the year Seoul stopped being the capital of the Yi Dynasty, because of the Japanese."

"Well done, Mr. Jung, that's correct. Thank you for helping out Yoongi,"

The elder took a short glance at the younger with a small smile of thanks, but quickly turning away before the latter could realise.

Yoongi stopped his friendship, or maybe even more, for Hoseok's own benefit. He didn't want Hoseok to find out, and get disgusted, and then leave him forever. He would get hurt. He couldn't risk losing somebody like Hoseok.

After their last class of the day, Yoongi dashed straight out of the class and ran home, not even looking over at Hoseok, who swiftly walked over to the teacher's desk.

"Mr. Kim?"

"Yeah, Hoseok?"

"Can I talk to you?" He asked worryingly.

"Of course, go right ahead."

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