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POV: Hoseok
'My Daddy'
A children's television show, targeted mainly towards the female audience, focused heavily on singing and dancing, as well as acting, about a girl named Yuna (played by the famous popstar Sohwa) who travels around the world with her father, meeting new people along the way. She meets a boy named Suga (played by Min Yoongi) who she starts to develop feelings for.

He insists that if she wants to be with him, he can be her new father, travelling around with him instead of Yuna's actual father, hence the name 'My Daddy' not being about her real father, but about Suga, her 'daddy'.

Wow. Okay. That sounded really sexual to my ears. This is comsidered a children's show?!

What the fuck?

If there were any sexual references or puns in there, the show ought to be taken off the children's channel and be put on an after ten o'clock adults' channel, because that shit sounds like it's about kinky sex or something. What everyone was saying, it all started to make sense.

Yoongi had scribbled down his phone number on the piece of paper as well, so I decided to add him as a contact anyway. What he does in 'My Daddy' is only a job, so why should I worry about what he does in reality? He seemed nice to me, and that wasn't going to change.

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