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POV: Hoseok
"My... my life, you say?" I stuttered. "Nobody has really said that they want to hear about my life before, so..."

"Well, I wanna hear it!" he said, crossing his legs together and sitting down like a little child. "I'm listening, Hoseok, so tell me. Anything and everything."

"Uhm, well," I started. "You said you were interested in music, especially rapping, right?" he nodded. "Well, I like rapping too."

"Oh, you do?" his face lit up. After we finished our food, we walked upstairs to his bedroom. "Tell me more about what you like," he smiled, patting the space next to him on his bed so I could sit down.

For hours and hours, we talked non-stop about anything, and everything, chatting about whatever we could think about.

"Oh, boy, it's starting to get dark," I said, peeping out of his window. The sun was starting to set, and his mother seemed to have come home a while ago.

"Ah, it is," he agreed, nodding. "I'll walk you home, yeah?"

"You don't have to," I mumbled.

"I'm going to, anyway, it's too dangerous for you to be going home alone," he laughed, putting his jumper on. "Let's go before your parents start worrying about you,"

"I guess so," I grinned, as we walked downstairs and out of the door.

Turns out my house was extremely close to his, only about a five minute walk from his place. I mean, when I was walking to his house, I had to run, so I didn't really pay attention to how close our houses were, but it was quite useful that I found out.

"Well, this is my place," I said, pointing towards my house. "Thanks for walking me back, by the way. I feel bad,"

"Eh, don't be. It was no problem," he shrugged, pursing his lips.

They looked so soft and pink, I really couldn't resist the urge to kiss him.

I put my lips on his, without a second of thought, before pulling away in regret, looking away.

"Oh, m-my god, I'm so s-sorry, I don't know w-what got to me..." I stepped back with a frown on my face.

Why did I do that?

"Nah, it's cool," he said quietly. "I liked it, actually, until you pulled away." he admitted, looking away.

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