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Heyyya it's mE author-nim here for some quick embarrassing self promo XD sorry to interrupt but I thought that with this cliffhanger (it's going to stay like that for a bit XD) this would be the right time to see what kind of stuff u peeps are interested in :)

I have 2 other YoonSeok stories for you guys if you're interested and they're called 'Burning Wings' and 'Playboy'

Burning Wings: a story about a very broken Yoongi being sent to a summer camp (and it becomes a normal school in September) after his father's suicidey, where on the way there, he meets somebody named Hoseok, who he later realises is one of his new roommates at his school. Hoseok changes Yoongi's life around for the better.

Playboy: when Yoongi gets dared by Namjoon to pick up any two girls from school to cheat on, Minji and Yuna, who just so happen to be band mates for the school's rock band, Namjoon makes a twist on the dare and Yoongi has to 'bang' one of them. He goes for Minji, who's best friend is Hoseok, but when Yoongi screws up big time and ruins her life, only Hoseok can try to fix it all.

I have high hopes for these two so I hope that u can give these fics some support :)

I have sO many drafts for many new fics (jinmin lmao sorry guys that's basically all I write XD) and I would like to share a few drafts with u guys (they're not jinmin tho ffs smh) and I want u guys to tell me which one u would prefer for me to publish first !

This won't be for a while until I perhaps finish my currently ongoing fics but it'll be something fresh until I start posting some more jinmin (smh) cuz I'm total trASH heLp

Long Time, No See
(TaeJin) a fic about trying to make a long-distance relationship work, until Taehyung just gives up and goes to visit Jin instead, only to see that he's 'changed'

Story Time
(YoonJin) Yoongi, who always brings his brother to the library every week for 'story time' with Seokjinnie, falls head over heels for the tall, blonde actor with the hella sexy voice (cuz like DAYUM pink princess XD)

Look, Listen
(Taegi) Taehyung is blind, and Yoongi is deaf, but when they meet at a music course for a project at the top music academy in Korea that they got accepted into, they forget their differences and bond over what they both love most- music.

If any of these sound even slightly interesting, then please tell me bc I like knowing what u guys wanna see next :)

Please check out my other fics if you haven't already, 
Thank you, sorry this is so long Xxxx

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