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POV: Yoongi
"Um... this is an odd question," I blushed. This question was the only way I could see whether he was meant to see what he saw on his computer screen when he searched up my show.

"What is it, Yoongi?" he smiled worryingly, his dimples showing. "You seem troubled, what's up?"

"Uh..." I began. "How d-do I say th-this?" I paused for a second to think about what I was going to say. "Uh, do you, um, w-watch, erm, p-porn, s-sir?" I stuttered out.

He looked at me with an odd expression for a bit, his eyes widened until they might have popped out.

"Porn, you say, huh," he nonchalantly nodded, his face relaxing. "Well, of course I do," he shrugged casually. "A man needs his porn to get him going, am I right?"

"I-I, er..."

He really was making it difficult for me to answer him with those weird remarks. "So... uh, d-do, do you w-watch, my, um, shows?"

"The one with the kinky title?" he lifted an eyebrow. "Hell yeah, 'cause I've gotta admit, you're pretty good under the sheets, aren't you, boy?"

What the hell?! He's my teacher!

"Uhm, sure, thanks," I forced a smile. "It's kinda awkward, though, to um, find out that my t-teacher, watches me, n-naked, with a g-girl, who looks w-way younger than m-me, you kn-know?"

"Ah, I get it. I don't jack off to it for that very reason; you're one of my students, after all. I wouldn't be able to do that, knowing that this kid that I'm watching fuck a girl, is actually somebody that I teach at school everyday, so."

"Do, people recognise me from the kids' show?" I gulped. "Instead of the, uh, porn?" I looked down.

Why was my profession so awkward to talk about? When I actually do it, it's not even a problem, but when I have to speak about it, my mind doesn't function.

"They all talk about little siblings, and small children, so I'd like to think so," he gritted his teeth. "I don't want you to be caught up in so much trouble for what you do, but, in the end, if they find out, you'll just have to proudly say that you provide for your teacher, don't you?"

"I'd rather not say that, sir!" I laughed, starting to get back into my comfort zone after that lame joke of his. I don't know if it actually was a joke or not, though; he could have meant it.


"Well, thanks sir," I said, looking at the clock by the back of the room. "It looks like I'll be late to my first class," I groaned, before sir scribbled down something on a post-it note and signed it.

"Not a problem at all, Yoongi," he handed the pink post-it to me. "Here. This is a late note for you, so you'll be let off with your next class, okay?"

"Thanks, sir," I dismissed myself, walking to my next subject. Sir wasn't that bad at all. He was a bit weird, though.

It's A Secret | YoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now