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POV: Hoseok
What was he hiding from me? It was probably nothing, but it got me worked up since it was bugging me as he didn't finish his sentence.

I hate it when people stop talking half way through, to say 'never mind it's nothing'. Surely, it's more than nothing if you had decided to tell me in the first place. Why make people think too much over something that could end up really being nothing?

I cleared my mind from that incident, letting him into my house. There wasn't much downstairs, so I pulled him into my room because at least there, I had some things there.

"Hoseok?" he asked me, as I patted down on the bed next to me so he could sit down. "Can... I tell you something? Or ask? Both? I'm kind of confused, right now, about something."

"Sure, say it," I smiled, yawning. It didn't change the fact that he had woken me up from being in a deep sleep. "What's up?"

"Um... you know, that kiss?" he asked. Oh, he's going to talk about the kiss. "You know how I said that I liked it?"

Of course I remember him saying that. The only thing was, I thought he was just kidding, but he looked dead serious.

"Erm... yeah," I replied awkwardly. "What about it? What's on your mind?" I questioned him.

"I want to re-do that kiss," he exclaimed. "but way better," my jaw dropped right open by that sentence. "I know this seems a bit sudden, but you're the only person who's treated me like a normal person around here. The truth is, I think I like you Hoseok, and I thought that maybe... you'd think the same, an-"

I put my lips on his, again, but this time, it meant something. The kiss this time had an actual meaning. Our lips fit perfectly with each other, his soft lips bashing against mine.

I cupped his face in my hands, leaning in further, as he did the same, putting his tongue in. I followed him, exploring every tooth, every part of his mouth, as he cupped the back of my head with one hand, the other reaching for my collarbone, tugging on my top.

When we finally let go, we breathed heavily, grinning at each other with smug looking faces.

"Do you want to carry on?" he asked me, pulling on my shirt even more, giving me soft puppy eyes until I couldn't resist.

"Hell yeah," I gasped, as our lips met once again, in a make out session on his bed.

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