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POV: Hoseok
"Isn't that what you want?" I weakly muttered. "Isn't that what you always wanted since the moment you joined our school? To be with me?"

I felt my facial expression sink to nothingness, wanting to avoid the awkward silence.

"Where are you now?" he finally said. "Where are you?"

"I'm locked inside your motherfucking garden shed because that fucker, Sohwa..." I hissed. "Just... just get me out of here!"

He didn't even bother responding: he just ended the call, without a sound.

"Where the fuck did he go? Why is he leaving me hanging?" I muttered to myself, as I tried to dial his number once again.

However, he didn't pick up.

"Min fucking Yoongi... don't you dare do this to m-"

There were some violent punching and kicking noises from the other side of the shed door, until:


"Y-Yoongi...?" I stood there, startled, seeing a panting, red Yoongi hold out his hand.

He was covered in blood- all of the splinters from the bashing and kicking had really hurt him.

The wooden door was basically demolished now, becoming just random pieces of broken wood on the verdant grass.

"Yoongi... you hurt yourself... for m-me... " I cried out, seeing his hands look damaged and fragile. The red cuts and splinters really stood out against his pale, sugar-like complexion.

"I'm sorry, Hoseok... I'm sorry for shutting you down, for ignoring you, for neglecting your love for me... please, forgive me, will you? I love you to death, seriously," he sobbed, tears streaming down his eyes. "Take my h-hand and we can go to Japan, like you said...we can get away from this sick place, this sick, horrible world and start a new life, together..."

"I-I'm sorry," my hand gently held his. "I'm sorry for making you do this..." I looked down at his hand, and saw the blood slowly trickle down his cuts.

I kissed them softly, and saw him slightly wince. My salty, sour tears rolled down my cheeks, and onto his hand, making them mix in with the crimson red blood.

"I'm sorry..." I repeated once more. "I love you,"

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