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"Introduce yourself Miss." The lecturer repeated for the second time. The whole class was silent now, some students made furtive gestures, all eyes on the light skinned shy girl with golden brown hair who froze as she forced some words out of her  mouth.

"My name is..." She paused, closed her eyes for a second, it seemed like a forced blink, pinched her arm then put her weight on her left leg, slightly bending her right foot, a fake smile found its way to her lips making her look awkward and silly.

''My Name is Nadira, Nadira Najib." The innocent looking year two student in the University of Lagos, finally said.

"Excellent! Miss Nadira, you did justice to the question and I'd like the whole class to give you a standing ovation." Mrs Owolabi, a petite plump dark skinned woman in her fifties is dramatic but stern, whenever she says something, she means it, a great lot. Disobeying her attracts so many penalties, that isn't even worth it, the week before, a rude girl named Felicia was a scape goat and is now facing the music, big time music, and this music is harsh, disturbing and can drive a student insane.
Mrs Owolabi asked her to kneel in front of about two hundred students in the lecture theatre, she not only refused but said some very insultive words to the renowned lecturer. Mrs Owolabi didn't take it lightly because to her, the punishment wasn't too much for a student that was making so much noise in class, she told her not to attend her lectures for two months, her full name, matriculation number and other details were penned down. Nadira sat and lowered her gaze, her eyes fell on her fingernails, the sound of so many students clapping filled her eardrums, turning her cheeks red with embarrassment, she didn't want all the attention but Mrs Owolabi pointed at her to answer the question. It was just the third week of resumption and Nadira did so well in making herself one of the most quiet, infamous students, until now.

"I feel satisfied now, at least I have passed today's message, I'll see you all in the next class, good day!" With that, Mrs Owolabi left the Lecture theatre. Nadira packed her books hurriedly and put them in her pink Gucci handbag, she forgot to zip up the bag due to her desire to just leave the theatre immediately, if the girl could teleport, she would have been in her hostel by now. As she climbed the long stairs in a haste, she bumped into a male coursemate, Tunde Coker.

"Take it easy Naddy...where are you rushing off to?" He grinned wide.

"Excuse me please," she said, her eyes begging him to move away, so she could pass freely.

"Okay, let's leave together then." Tunde smiled impishly as they walked out of the Lecture Theatre together.

"I am Tunde Coker, your coursemate," He started with a very confident deep tone.
"Nice one back there, you've got guts."

Nadira didn't say anything, the fact that Tunde followed her from the Lecture theatre to where they were at the moment annoyed every part of her. Tunde Coker, AKA Ladies' man, AKA The Most Popular Guy In Year Two, Why wouldn't she know him? her eyes rolled. Thoughts flowed in.There was no sensible girl in class that laid eyes on this guy, but lost her senses, self esteem, perhaps also the proper knowledge of the English language, or on a lighter mode, proper diction, for stammering was now the surest way to go when speaking to this Coker guy, but really, like really, what did any sane girl see in him? Okay, perhaps he is good looking, mayhap...
Her thoughts were interrupted.

"Wont you say a thing?" The dark skinned twenty two year old who had been waiting for an answer for a while now blurted out, he could sense the cold hostility in the air, she didn't even give him a look, instead hastened her footsteps. One would think the guy was about to kidnap her with the way she fled, literally.

"Hey!...I'm talking to you." Tunde took some strides to meet up with the runaway girl, on getting to her side, his hand quickly wrapped her waist, pulling her swiftly towards him, she effortlessly found herself bumping noses with this guy, and their foreheads were touching now. Nadira hated it when guys acted like Super lords or Kings or something , it infuriated her insides, the so called strength in men, why don't they use it for something like raising buildings or lifting mountains, instead they pick on soft women, knowing fully well that they have the advantage.

Nadira Najib (COMPLETED) ✅Where stories live. Discover now