Chapter 13

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"You've said a lot Eva, so I'll break it down for you."

Nadira calmed herself, she was getting a bit set back by what Eva said but knew she lacked understanding, patience is the key.

"Eva, You say you can't believe in who you can't see, yet you believe in the air you breathe but can't see either."

"Hahahaha next." Katie interfered which angered Umaiza.

"Let her speak, will you?"


"As I was saying, you mentioned that your parents have so much wealth and good health, that if God truly exists, He would have punished them, let me explain something to you, the situation is just for those who have knowledge because anyone who disbelieves in God till death won't make heaven, hell is the evil destination of that person."

"Oh, what ascertains the famous hereafter you Muslims or Christians believe in?" Eva smirked.

"Okay! One at a time!" Umaiza banged her fists on the couch. "Look! We aren't here to spend all day so you two girls relax!"

"Thanks Umaiza." Nadira sighed. "As I was saying, again! The world is a test, anyone can be wealthy or healthy or poor or sick, most disbelievers have everything going good to them, so it seems but a friend of mine and brother to Umaiza explained that for us and I would use a Quran verse to back it up."

She picked her phone and tapped on the iQuran application, on scrolling to surah Kahf, the 58th verse.

"And your Lord is Most Forgiving, Owner of
mercy. Were He to call them to account for
what they have earned, then surely, He
would have hastened their punishment"
[al-Kahf 18:58]

After she read that out, she gestured that any potential questions should wait as she is not done.

"That's one reason, because God is merciful and is giving disbelievers a chance to change as His punishment is unbearable, trust Him, another reason is the punishment of the disbelievers will increase as their sins increase because they will become hard hearted and just concerned about the life of this world, hence they will forget God and feel He won't do a thing to them, its mentioned here..."

She tapped on Surah Imraan and moved to the verse she needed.

"And let not the disbelievers think that Our
postponing of their punishment is good for
them. We postpone the punishment only so
that they may increase in sinfulness. And for
them is a disgracing torment"
[Aal 'Imraan 3:178]

Nadira looked up from her phone to see a quiet Eva and confused Katie, Umaiza was just nodding her head in agreement which gave her more courage to continue.

"So any questions on that before I move on?"

"Yeah!" Eva raised her right hand. "Let me get this right, God leaves the disbelievers to live without punishment so perhaps they can change and repent but also if they dwell in sin, and die before repentance, their punishment would be worse?"

"That's correct." Nadira smiled. "I'm not done though as that is just the answer to your first question, you also said Muslims bow five times daily, no we don't do that, we pray five times daily and bowing is just a part of it, and the number of bows and prostrations varies, it depends on the prayer at that time, you'll get that later, I hope."

Katie shrugged. "Complications...pathetic."

"Lol KayKay calm your nerves, let's hear what she has to say." Eva who looked very astonished was patient enough to listen to Nadira, perhaps a mind blowing response is preparing itself, no one knew but her interest bothered Katie a lot.

"Allah does know who will go to heaven or hell as he is God."

"Allah is Arabic for God right?"

"Right Eva."
Nadira continued.
"You said why do Muslims strive anyway when Allah decides who goes to heaven or hell right? Its simple, I earlier said that we are in a world of tests, He has given us the power of free will to choose where we want to end up, those who make effort and strive, its evident they want heaven right? Those who don't do a thing and live like life has no rules or like they wont give account of how that have lived, its obvious they don't mind missing heaven because they're not sure if it in the first place."

"So yes, Muslims strive in the right path to please God and hope He grants them mercy, its just like you have an exam and you study hard, that means you are making efforts to pass, compare yourself with someone who doesn't study at all but thinks what's the essence of studying if someone will fail anyway, there'll be a great difference in the scores if their result, don't you think?"

"What if the person studies and still fails?" Katie rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time.

"That's why you need to ask for forgiveness from God because no one is perfect and His mercy will be on those who sincerely try."

Eva got up and clapped. "Nadira, I respect your belief really but look at me, won't God's mercy get tired of me even if I want to change now?"

"No, if you sincerely ask for forgiveness with determination to change, all your past sins will be forgiven, as it is in the Quran... "But whosoever repents after his crime and
does righteous good deeds (by obeying
Allaah), then verily, Allaah will pardon him
(accept his repentance). Verily, Allaah is Oft
Forgiving, Most Merciful [al-Maa'idah 5:39 -". She read out.

"And also here, Allah says "...your Lord has written (prescribed) Mercy
for Himself, so that if any of you does evil in
ignorance, and thereafter repents and does
righteous good deeds (by obeying Allaah),
then surely, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful" [al-An'aam 6:54

"There are many verses really, that Allah speaks of repentance, like here also... "Say to those who have disbelieved, if they
cease (from disbelief), their past will be
forgiven" [al-Anfaal 8:38]

"Hmmmm! How do you know all these verses so fast that you can immediately shoot them at me when i ask a question?" Eva smiled.

"Ooh! Its Umar that referred them when I and Umaiza discussed this case, he told us possible questions you may ask and gave us verses to read out to you."

"Who is that?" Eva demanded.

"My brother." Umaiza said proudly then walked to Nadira, "You have tried, I'll take the baton from here."

"Oh My God! They're winning Eva! And you're allowing them to pass batons too? Can't you just tell them what you feel and let's get over with this?" Katie frowned, surprised her friend is getting along with them.

"Katie please shut up, I still have unanswered questions okay, and we can't move to something else unless one thing is settled, so be patient."

Nadira sat now and Umaiza took over. "Eva, thanks for your understanding, your other question was on Christianity and their belief, I will tell you all about that from the true perspective we believe in."

Its getting hot!
Katie is feeling beaten and Eva? She's unpredictable!
But Umaiza and Nadira have fire they won't tame, not Eva, not Katie, no one.

Read on.

Nadira Najib (COMPLETED) ✅Where stories live. Discover now