Chapter 24

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"Mustapha Tijani, my heart is for him.''

Katie couldn't believe her ears, her sister never mentioned a love interest all this while, so who is this guy that's making her smile so effortlessly.

"Who in the world is that?"

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"Mustapha!" Sekinah yelled as she barged into her twin brother's room. "We have to act fast!"

Mustapha was facing his laptop in his home office, he acted like he didn't hear his sister, she stood there for about five minutes, waiting for an answer then stomped her feet on the floor and grumbled loudly.

"Sekinah, I've told you I am busy and what is it this time?" He turned the rolling chair to face her now, she came close to him then almost in a whisper said.

"Who do you have in mind? Father gave us three days! Three days to get someone to get married to, to prove we are responsible and can take care of the palace after he is gone, and also all his fortune, he mentioned that if we do not find partners for ourselves, he will definitely pair us up and you are so stuck! We need to act fast!"

Mustapha sighed, folded his arms, the royal beads on his chest made some little sounds, as the three layers clapped against each other.

"I don't know, I never planned to get married so early, I'm only twenty four and I have to enjoy my bachelor life! I don't want to think about Dad's words, very annoying and pushy."

He turned to his laptop but Sekinah rolled his chair towards her.

"Musty! You're a prince! You ought to know things don't work out how you want them too! As a royal blood, you have to always go by the rules! Hello!"

Mustapha scratched the back of his neck. "I'm seriously stuck, I'm the type who likes freedom..."

"And the type who is the heir to the throne! Father also said that if we disagree or prove stubborn, he will..."

"Seize our royal rights from us." He finished. "I know! I know! Father's words ring like a bell in my head, I choose not to let them bother me."

He got up from the chair then carried some documents and started sorting them out.

"Musty! You can't keep ignoring his words! Father means business! You'll lose all your rights if you disagree." She placed her hands on his shoulders, he dropped the documents in his hands then groaned and muttered something obscure under his breath before sighing.

"I'm tired of being a prince, that's why I even have two sides, I am fed up!" He walked to the small refrigerator by his office table and brought out a bottle of non alcoholic wine.

"Pass me the glass please." He asked Sekinah who obeyed.
She opened the drawer by her left and brought out a wine glass then handed it over to her brother.

"Musty, I fear for you, if you don't find a woman in the next three days then-"

"What's the worst that can happen Sekky? Father will provide for me a wife then, I don't have to worry, I'm indifferent, the only thing is that the marriage will be sour." He said as he poured himself some wine.

Sekinah laughed evilly. "No brother, that's not the worst that can happen, the worst is you getting married to Yinka Areola!"

Mustapha almost choked on his wine. "No! That woman disgusts me! What makes you conclude that?"

Sekinah walked to the window and took a peek of the outside environment, before she said.

"I overheard father and mother say that when I eavesdropped on them earlier today."

Mustapha lost interest in the wine. "And you? What's your plan?"

"I don't mind getting married to Akin Alli, that's the man they selected for me, he is considered worthy, I only came here to help you because I care and I don't want Yinka as a sister-in-law."

Mustapha fell into deep thinking as he propped himself on the sofa in the corner of his home office, he rubbed his chin, ended up stroking his beard.

"I have someone in mind, someone I have always liked, in fact I'm obsessed with her." His eyes glistened.

"Who may that be?" Sekinah grew eager to know.

"Nadira, she is my obsession, it would be lovely to finally have her to myself."

Sekinah paused for a while then grinned. "I remember her, you both were good friends in the university, you were in your final year when she was in year three."

"Yes! I hope she says yes to me."

Sekinah laughed to tears. "Who wouldn't say yes to you, you're the most attractive man I know! Not even Nadira can resist you."

"Its time to make her my princess."

Sekinah nodded. "Ready to give our parents the news?"

"Ready! Let's go." He said, and his sister followed his lead.

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