Chapter 26

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Mrs Benson's mouth was agape, her daughter's words are responsible for this. She couldn't say if she was happy or angry or confused or shocked, eventually she concluded it was all four and her feelings are so mixed at the moment.

"...So, mom, sir...Prince Mustapha and his family are on their way here to ask you, as my parents for my hand in marriage."

That was how she ended the shocking revelation.
Mr James turned to stare at his wife's confused face, they exchanged stares, then Mrs Benson broke the silence.

"Christy, I can not believe this! You don't even act like you have parents, how can you just take twenty steps ahead before turning back to call our attention that you're about to board a plane? You treat us like we don't exist! I am your mother! I don't deserve this, I know you've always said you would love to get married early, fine! I don't mind but you should have told me about your love life or whatever!"

James nodded in agreement, then calmed his wife down by caressing her arm.
"Nadira, why didn't you tell us earlier? And you! Katie! Did you know about it all these while?"

"No, I swear, I just found out too." Katie declared, as she shrugged, she would rather stay silent in all of these, it hit her like a bomb too, I mean few hours ago, they were at at get together in Umar's apartment and now, Nadira is about to be officially proposed to in front of her family? Okay! She has to stay out of this.

"Its all my fault. . ."
Nadira began with remorse and guilt. "I should've not said yes too soon but mother, please understand, I love him so much, I have never in my life felt this much intense love for any one, for any man, I am also happy he asked early because I have always fantasized about him doing so. . . Forgive me mother, forgive me if you feel left out, or felt left out of my personal life. . . Please sir, help me apologize to my mother, I'm so sorry."

Mr. Benson shifted closer to his wife on the settee they both sat on, he placed a hand on her shoulder but she shoved it away gently. "She acted too fast!" Elizabeth protested again. Her rage was eating her insides up.

"I know," he whispered in her left ear, "but she looks helpless, let's be grateful it's not pregnancy and the way she speaks of this Prince, I believe he and his family are responsible people of honourable calibre, come on now Lizzy. . .Nadira isn't a small girl anymore, let's give her a chance."

Elizabeth sighed heavily, she loves her daughter so much but is also very protective of her, she lost Ibrahim Najib many years ago and Nadira is the only living reminder to her of a love that never faded, the first true love she had, hasn't died and that's why she protects Nadira so much because Ibrahim would've done the same and more.

"Nadira. . ." She called out softly.
Mr James and Katie were shocked she called her by her Muslim name, this means seriousness.

"I wish Ibrahim were here...he would have scolded you greatly!"
Tears formed in her eyes. "I remember how he used to tell me that he wanted the best man in the world for his daughter," she let out a little giggle. "Look how grown up you are, he always wanted the best for you, his parents passed away when he was little, as young as nine years old, so he lived with his father's two male siblings, after his parents died in that horrific car accident."

Nadira started getting very emotional to see her mother speak about her dad, she still loves him but tries to be strong.

"Nadira, after his parent's demise, he went through a lot, a lot of pain and anguish because his father's brothers were jealous that all the properties your grandfather had was willed to him, so they treated him badly and dumped him in an orphanage here in Nigeria, they flew back to the United States where they are based, he might have been young but understood it all, infact, those men always said it to his face that he was just a useless kid and they were going to dump him, they were not as successful as their late brother, and didn't even like the lady he got married to, so all that hatred was poured on Ibrahim."

"...he was a very bright student and got scholarships easily, he built himself and grew to be a strong loving fierce man, he was African American and you took his colour, but I guess you didn't take just that, you took so much more, his faith, his strength, his zeal, and his stubbornness, now I guess you know why after his demise, no one came to ask after you because he basically had no real family from the start, I guess his grandparents were late also because if they were alive, they wouldn't let their children do such horrible things to their late brother's only son, their own grandchild."

Elizabeth sniffed, she had been crying and the moment was too emotional for her. "I remember when I met him in the first company I applied to when I was searching for a vacant spot to work as an accountant, he was the company's managing director and I still remember his outfit that day, a navy blue shirt with thin white stripes and a burgundy tie, his took his eyes, deep black lens and huge sockets that stare into one's soul, I couldn't believe that a man could look so stunningly attractive, his beards were neat and the cologne he wore was--"

Mr James coughed stylishly and nudged his wife a little when he saw that she was deeply ranting about a dead man as if he wasn't here seated.

"I'm sorry James, Katie, I'm sorry but all I am trying to say is..." she smiled within her."Ibrahim would've scolded you dear." Then she got up from her seat to raise her daughter to her two feet. "...but would love to see you happy also, I'm sure he wants your happiness, so are you sure you love this prince Mustapha?"

"I love him mother." Nadira blinked countless times out of shyness then smiled shyly too.

"I and Your Step dad will wait for him and his family then, if they qualify, we would be glad to give you to them...even though I've heard a lot of gossip about the Tijani family and their Kingdom..."

James laughed. "Well my wife has said it all, and that was one heart touching moment, but we do hope they qualify for you dear."

Nadira was grateful to her mother and her Step dad.

Just then they heard some noise at the gate, the noise got louder then Katie who was so caught up in the emotional family situation and stayed silent but happy through out the nostalgic feelings and teary loving moments got up to peep from the window.

"Dad...Mom...The Royals...they're here."

The next chapter drops soon enough In Sha Allah
I hate keeping you guys waiting
Let's hope Nadira doesn't regret her choice
Or will she?
Thanks for reading
I love you all


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