Special Special Shout Out!

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I really just have to do this

Alhamdulillah that I have gotten to this level with my book. Couldn't have done it without Allah.

I'm overwhelmed by the votes and number of reads that my book is getting.

I really appreciate all my readers... Those who prefer to be anonymous and those who actually comment and vote after reading!

ShoutOut to


She's my good friend and a good reader of this book, love you.

JettaFrame Thank you sweetie...you helped when I was just starting and I hope you read till the end.

@EmjayKB thanks sweetie, love you.

@hadebhissy86 I appreciate your votes and comments so much, they make me want to finish the book very fast! muaah :*

@Maryam_003 my naughty naughty boo! I appreciate you dear.

@_within_ your enthusiasm is one of the reasons I'm inspired to update quickly ...thanks a lot.

@mAniC_pSychOO I am so mind blown that you find this book awesome...thanks for the votes!

@ZaynabAashir  I love that you are supporting the book with your votes and reads.

Khadistinction thank you for the support and encouragement dear

Jazakallahu Khayr to All!
May Allah Bless You Abundantly.

And those I didn't mention... Thank you all too.

Enjoy!  The story will be updated soon In Sha Allah! Keep reading and voting.

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