Chapter 7

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Umar Nasr bumped into his course mate, room mate and friend, Segun.

"Watch it brother!" Segun moved some steps back and straightened his grey shirt, he's always been known for his neatness and self consciousness.

"Where are you rushing to man?"

Umar sighed heavily, tapped on Segun's shoulder sharply. "I'm sorry man, I have a lot on my mind right now, I'm preoccupied with loads of work, got a meeting very soon, working on my project, supervising my father's company since he's out of the country giving some sermons, its strenuous, I always multitask nowadays."

"Umar Ayodele Nasr!" Segun grinned as he shook his head.
"All the time bro, you're always multitasking, you even supervise your father's company when you're miles away from the company's location!"
Umar was forced to laugh. "Calls Segs, I make calls, it can be head turning though."

Segun and Umar walked down the bridge that leads to their faculty, in a few minutes, Segun had already discussed about three topics with Umar, he was on the fourth when Umar excused himself. "I really have to go now, my sister needs me, just got a text from her, guess its urgent."

"Oh that beauty queen, that'll still be my wife very soon."

"Nah, you're not her type brother, I'm sorry, oh well, you may try your luck but Umaiza wouldn't want a cassanova bro."
He snorted with laughter.

"Yeah yeah, I've always has a dream of marrying a hard girl you know, 'had to get kinda girl' that's the deal."

"Good luck."

"Okay its all good, seems you're in a hurry, big brother, see you later."

Segun and Umar fist bumped, then went their different ways, as Umar turned to the left side of the narrow road he took to meet his sister, he saw Vardah smiling ear to ear.

"Umarrrrrr! Salam Salam." Vardah always calls his name dramatically.

"Salam alaykum it is."

"I know, just spicing it up for you." She winked.
"Wa alaykum salam, what's popping?"

"Vardah, don't even bother asking." He said as he moved on with his footsteps so as to avoid her, knowing well that if he tells her he wants to see Umaiza, she would follow him.

Vardah Khan, a twenty year old rich Muslim girl, daughter to Mr and Mrs Khan, owners of the Khan Automobile Company, is a spoilt lady, she's used to an extremely luxurious and extravagant lifestyle.
She is also in her final year in the department of Architecture which she is studying because her father has the right connections to make her a successful Architect, all she needs is to leave the university with a good grade point average, which isn't difficult for her, as she's not just intelligent but very bright.

Vardah is one of the lady stalkers that Umar has been destined to have, he deals with her patiently like every other one of them.

Attention loving Vardah met Umar through Mustapha, her course mate when she was in year 3, ever since, she's been infatuated with him and wouldn't hesitate to have her hands on him, Vardah brags to her friends that Umar would succumb to her in due time.

"Hey! Umarrrr, you're pushing me away! Huh?" She hastened her footsteps to meet up with him.
"Do I repel you that bad?" She whined as she tapped his shoulders. "Huh? My Arab prince!"

"I've told you Vardah, I'm no Arab prince, yes you repel me due to your over persistence okay?"

Vardah nodded. "Okay."
She started walking in the opposite direction as soon as he said that, her plan was to try to act angry so he can call her back and apologize because he's that nice, but Umar is aware of all her tactics so this didn't move him at all.
"Later Vardah!" He chortled then increased his pace.

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